1984 School Magazine
TE [S TENNIS REPORT 1984 The 1984 Tennis season began with 20 girls all enthusiastically set to make this Tennis Year the best ever. Our first game against St. Hilda's was successfulfor every team and we thought ou r win n ing streak had begun. This was not quite the case. As it turned out, nearly half of the games for the season were cancelled due to wet weather and as a resu lt total conf usion reigned (great pun!) as to who the premiers would be. But what we do know is this: The A Grade consisting of two of our ve ry young but very talented Year 9 girls did exceptionally well and played some excellent tennis in the process. The B Grade also did well, with their greatest claim to fame being thein defeat of State H igh by one game. The C Crade (determined to win for my sake) were very successf ul and only conceded two losses in the season, those being to State High and St. Margaret's. The Crade 9 team who seemed to spend most of their time soci alizing and eating Tim Tams put up a creditable performance. Grade B's who also have a habit of gossiping (continually!!) were undefeated all season. Anyway, congratulations everyone - you were terrific! Congratulations are also in order for our star A-Grade player Sally McCann who was selected to represent Australian State Secondary Schools in New Zealand this year. Keep up the good work, Sally! Thanks go to Chris Fancutt who was able to impart some of his valuable knowledge about the game to us. And last but my no means least, lwould like to thank Mrs. Orme f or her extreme patience, her u ndying support and her positive enth usiasm. I know I speak f or everyone when I say "We would be lost without yot)." Congratu lations to all players on a successf u I season and best of luck in the f uture.
A-GRADE (l-r) : Salli-tvtcCann, folene
Tracey Armstrong, Susie
Coopei, Sam Long.
B-GRADE (l-t) z Llz Hartley, f ane McDonald, Katie Watsh, Wendy Conomos.
An n Harrap
Final Resu lts A Grade - Equal 4th place with St. Aidan's
and St. Peter's
B Crade - 4th Place C Grade - 4th Place
Yr.9 - Equal 2nd with B.S.H.S. and Clayfield Yr. I - Equal PREMIERS Somerville House
C-Grade (l-r): Kerima Wright, Susan Anderson, Amanda Fitzsimons, fane Gralton, Ann Harrap. )
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