1984 School Magazine

A GRADE BACK: Liz lohnson, Sally Gralton (B-Grade), Kylie Yule (Captain), Kelly Robinson (Vice), Sue Ranson. FRONT: Christine Farmer, Liz Smyth, Sue Mirls, Mr. C. Madden (Coach), Natalie Nucifora, Fiona Bryce (B-Grade), Simone Bush.

B GRADE BACK: Sam Hellen (A-Grade), Prue Willsford, Mary Huxley, Cassie Baines. FRONT: Samantha Kootsookos, Sarah Curtis, Bronwyn Burns (Captain), Mr. R. Burns (Coach), Samantha Parker (A-Grade), Cathy OtBrien.


The 1984 Hockey season began with u pre-season tour of New Zealand consisting of A, B and a few new "Bloods". Although victory wasn't within our grasp we did play well, especially against the regional Waikato team. I am sure the tour was enjoyed by all. The Q.G.S.S.S.A. season unfortunately started with a "wet" gume and week three was also cancelled because of the weather. Still results were pleasing. A Grade tied for third place, thanks to Mr. Madden and Mr. Cooke. B Grad" played soundly,with a few close games lost in the last minutes of pl.y.Mr. Burns, ably assisted by J. Wood and Cathy Curph"y did a great job as coaches. The C Grade was coached by Miss Williamsoh, Barbara Yule and Tim Hooker. Our enthusiastic Grade B and 9 girls formed two teaffis, one for playing and one for beginners. C Crade dramatically i-proved especially against St, Hilda's since we drew 1-1 after losinglT-0 last year ! Afterthe last match against St. Margaret's,thesenior girls played the "Grammar Geriatrics" (i.e. mothers, fathers and old girls!). This annual game decides the winners of the Gerry Atric Cup. A one all draw was the result this year. This season coutd not have been such a success had it not been for the organisation of Miss Williamson, the umpiring of Mr. Yule and the enthusiasm of the coaches and players. Good luck for Crammar Hockey in the Future. Kylie Yu le.


" .-r-tu.u-,r"u.i*,,.',.,,'.j', Prue Willsford shows her style against St. Margaret's. Megan King and


Sarah Curtis look on.


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