1984 School Magazine

CROSS.COUNTRY There is some good news for those who are serious runners and those who just want to get f it cross- country is now an "alive and well" ORGANIZED sport. lnstead of the dedicated few girls being regarded as the "poor relations" of the ath letics team and on ly competing at Limestone Park f or the State Titles as in past years, a Broup of 25 girls competed in four events ihroughout the season. Beginning with the lnterhouse cross-country events which were re-introduced this year, we went on to compete in a Friendly Meet, the Blue Nurses Fu n Ru n and the Queensland All Schools Championships. The lnterhouse cross-cou ntry was held at the begin n ing of the second term, with Woolcock House winning the overall points trophy. The School's first cross-country champion was Salliann Johnson (Year 10) who compieted the course in the fastest time. To mark this achievement, Salliann received an engraved silver goblet. The Friendly Meet was conducted by Brisbane State High in an attem pt to have girls' cross-cou ntry recognised as an off icial Q.G.S.S.S.A. sport. lt was very successf ul and thus we hope to see cross-country as a major sport soon. Both the Blue Nurses Fun Run and the Q.A"S.C. were held in pouring rain, but were good competillon experiences for us. We could not have done so well or had so much f un without Miss Dempsey - a great coach who supported us throughout the season. Cood luck and good running to allgirls who compete in the future.

U18 Waterpolo Teams Captain: Nadine Gerrard

WATERPOTO 1983-84 Water-Polo is a sport of accu racy, co-ordination, endurance and like allsports, dedication. The Crammar Club this season had it all. The Club did not do as wellas every club likes to, but. . . Grammar competed in three of the four Grandfinals. The Grandf inal results were tJ/14 lost to Magyars four goals to five, tJ/18 were defeated by Tugun and the Open Team lost to Tugun four-f ive. The Grammar Club did not go without successes. Many girls were selected for Representative Teams. But the honou rs do not stop there. Several 'old girls', represented Queensland in the Australian titles, and were very successf ul as Queensland won. As well, two old girls Amanda Leeson and Katie McAdam represented Australia at the Fifth Final World Cup Championships and were victorious! To aid them the girls helped with a lamington drive, where the eating was more enjoyable than the selling. Congratulations to all these girls mentioned, however these successes wou ld not have been possible without the dedication of the coaches, (especially the two head coaches Amanda Leeson and Carol H udson), the generous help of the Crammar Waterpolo Club Committee, ohd the parents, who now know the game of Waterpolo whether they like it or not. Nadine Gerrard

Prue Willsford


Queensland Open Squad Samantha Percival (steak) Stacey Mclennan (old girl)

Queensland Schoolgirls Nadine Gerrard Samantha Parker Samantha Percival Queensland U/16 Katie Bell

Queenslan d U/18 Team Jo Hilder

Samantha Parker Caroline Woods

Samantha Parker Samantha Percival Stacey McLen nan

Vicki Shaw Kylie Yule

Salliann f ohnson: Cross Country Champion 1984


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