1984 School Magazine

CHAMBER STRINGS REPORT 'I 984 This year, the School's string program has been given a new lease of life, With the addition of Ms. Myers to our music staff . She started several new string grou PS, one of which was Chamber Strings. This group promptly took off under her expert guidance and tuition. Chamber Strings played in the f irst term concert well, learning from their performing experience. ln third term, the group was tutored by Mr. Philips, and benef ited f rom his teachinBs, while Ms. Myers was away on tour. Chamber Strings has improved greatly since the b"gin ning of the yea r , dnd will contin ue to im prove as time 80es on' Nathalie Frost TRAINING STRINGS This year a new string group has been formed under the enthusiastic guidance of our conductor Ms. Myers. The group is called 'Training Strings' and is designed to intr.oduce b"ginners to the string field and to familiarise its members with working in an orchestral ensemble. The group consists of one double bass, three'cellos, three f irst violins, two second violins and two violas. The grou p is also very than kf u I to Jill Margerison who has given up her Wednesday mornings to help us by accompanying us on the piano. STRING ORCHESTRA The year got off to an excellent start with the introduction of Ms. Myers as String Mistress. Every Thursday mornin B,rain or shine, we had rehearsals. Our debut was at a Brisbane Grammar concert where we combined to make a larger string group. Although an enjoyable evening, it was slightly embarrassing as many of the guys were much better players. We later played at our annual musical recital very successfully. The year so f ar has been successf u I both socially and 'professionally'. We would all like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved with the group especially Ms. Myers whom we wish all the best on her tour with the Queensland Youth Orchestra. We also hope the group is as successful during the second semester under the temporary leadership of Mr. Phillips, as we are improving our standard all the time.

AUSTRALIAN YOUTH ORCHESTRAL TOUR: Ms Bronwyn MYers A member of the B.G.G.S. Music Department, Ms. Bronwyn Myers, was chosen from applicants from all over Australia to be a member of the Australian Youth Orchestra which is currently on a Concert Tour of Eu rope. Ms Myer's selection is a recognition of her significant fnusical ability. The tour involves a demanding series of ten concerts in seven cou ntries over a period of f ive weeks. The Australian Youth Orchestra will be performing alongside the Boston Sympho nY, the Vienna Philharmonic, the London Symphony and the BBC Symphonic Orchestras.

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