1984 School Magazine
CONCERT CHOIR Concert Choir, consisting of more than eighty voices, has had a most turbulent year one way or another. We performed at various functions including the First Term Music Recital Evening, Music Camp Concert, both the Grammar promS, ond the final Music Recital Evening in October.Beginning the year under the baton of Rod ne/, the bearded Wakef ield, W€ had a "totally rou nded social and musical experience" (never bef ore witnessed or to be seen again). At the annual Combined Music Camp, we were f ortu nate enough to have the skilled cond uctor of the Queensland Youth Choir, Mr. Robert Clarke, to coach us in the f u ndamentals of choral singing. It was an invaluable experience for one and all. ln second semester we welcomed Mr. May and Mrs. Madden as our new conductors. With them came a new variety of music which proved to be prof itable to the already thriving group. A group of girls f rom the Concert Choir also performed in a production of the "St. Matthew Passion" in August at St. Andrew's Uniting Church in the city. Although challengin g, this proved to be most enjoyable. Overallthis year has been a memorable one, especially for those of us in our last year. Our thanks go to Mrs. Madden, Mr. May and Miss Turner, for the time and eff ort they have put into Concert Choir. We really appreciate it. Those of us in Grade Twelve would like to wish the choir success in the future, and hope that everyone continues to derive as much enjoyment and satisfaction f rom being a member of this group as we have. Chris Farmer and Julia Mainstone
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