1984 School Magazine

MOTHERS' GROUP The Mothers' Croup has had a most successful year, both socially and financially. All of our Meetings were well attended and we welcomed the talks given by Mrs. Hancock, Mr. Bourke, Mrs. Lynch and Miss McAdam. There was a large attendance at our first function of the year - the Welcome to Mothers. ln March a most enjoyable card evening was held' Over 100 guests attended our theatre evening, the play being Agatha Christie's'A Murder is Announced'. Our thanks to Janet Cook who organized an excellent supper after the show. The dancing classes were held in May and these proved to be extremely popular. Girls in Years 9 and 10 were partnered by boys {rom Marist Bros. Ashgrove, C.E.G.S. and B.G.S. Our thanks to the organizers - Jill Cassidy, Lesley Pope, Nanette Swain and Fran Liston. Fashion Extravaganza '84 displayed a total involve- ment of students, parents and staff. A capacity audience gave the models enthusiastic support. Our thanks to Jill Kennison who organized the show; and to the ladies who prepared the Fashion Show supper, especially Diana Falconer and Erica Wiltshire. At the time of writing we are preparing for the Family Day Gala and welcome the assistance which is being given by the Fathers'Group and the P & F Association. bur f inilf unction of the year is an End-of-Year Lunch at Silks' Restaurant, Albion Park. We have allocated f unds to enable new curtains to be provided in the Auditorium. My thanks to all those iadies who have given so generously of their time, thus enabling our functions to be so successf ul' We are again indebted to the office staff without whose support we could not have functioned, and the groundsmen for their co-operatiol ald assistance. I irirl'' n"*t year's committee as much pleasure in their year as we had in ours. Carmel Holmes

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