1984 School Magazine

FATHERS' CROUP 1984 has seen a furtherance of the objectives of the Fathers'Group formulated in 1983, namely the supply of labour and knowhow to complete tasks around ihe School, rather than a Fund Raising Body. With this objective in mind and guidance from the Principal, the Fathers'Croup has taken the lmbil Outdoor Education Property as a long term project. On the 4th March, a Croup of twenty-one (21) Fathers and School Staff inspected the site at lmbil for future reference and to have prior knowledge of the area when work is finally commenced on the Site.

Subsequently an "Open Day" was arranged on Bth April, for parents and pupils to visit the property and gain an insight into the area and its potential. It was disappointing that the weather was inclement on that particular Sunday as we were looking forward to entertaining School Families. On the 17th March, 1985 the Fathers' Group will again be hosts for a Parents and Pupils'visit to the lmbil property. On the local scene, the Fathers have cleaned and painted the tuckshop, and continued the na'ing from the area done in 1983 behind the Boarding llouse, to complete the paths and walkway around the flagpole quadrangle. Again this project would not have been achieved without the assistance of a past Father, Mr. Don Webb, who gave his expertise and knowledge, and for this we thank you, Don. Further projects for 1984 include covering the installing of lighting in the Bar-B-Que area and finalizing the painting of the Clothing Shop, and assisting the Mothers'Croup with the "Family Day" in October. Another long term project is the paving and landscaping of the area in front of, and adjacent to, the Boarding House and we will continue to liaise with the Principa-l and School Architects on this. Again a reminder to all school Fathers that we meet on the f irst Tuesday of the month ar 6.00 p.m. at the School for drinks and a mealfollowed by a brief meeting, and all are welcome.

P. A. Wilson Chairman Fathers'Group

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