1984 School Magazine
At the Annual General Meeting held in conjunction with the Welcome to New Members Dinner at the Cateway lnn on 20th February the following office bearers were elected. 1984 OFFICE BEARERS President: Mrs. Jean Vallis (Genn) Vice Presidents: Senior: Mrs. Lyle Schwarten (White). Junior: Mrs. Susan Firth (Hastie). Secretary: Miss Barbara Lansbury. Assistant Secretary: Mrs. Pam Knudsen (Smith). Committee Members: Mrs. Joan Noon (Allen), Mrs. Jennifer Gray (Vallis), Mrs. Tina Winterflood (Weir), Wendy Spranklin, Cathy Martin. Megan Jenner, Therese Mclaughlan, Andrea Griffith, Mandy Wissler, Mary Hassell, Karen-Anne Cole, Kim Johnson, Dierdre Mahoney, Megan Killiner. Delegate to National Council of Women: Yvonne Bain A highlight of the dinner was a small presentation to Miss Paterson to mark her recent retirement from the school. Other guests were Mrs. Hancock, Mrs. Yates and Miss McNamara. We were heartened by the attendance of a number of new Old Girls, ten of whom joined the committee. We have increased our efforts to keep in touch with Old Girls and have published two newsletters this year, one in April and one in July. The response to these newsletters has been very encouraging and we are always pleased to receive items of interest about Old Girls for inclusion in f uture newsletters. A highly successful reunion was held on 2nd June, attended by 115 Old Girls. lt was particularly pleasing to see representatives f rom each of the last 6 decades. lt was a friendly day when Old Girls were given the opportunity to talk to the present school prefects who not only helped to serve afternoon tea but also conducted tours of the school for those interested. ln the absence of School Day our 13th Annual Art Show was moved forward to 3rd,4th and 5th of August. lt was opened by Miss Nancy Shaw, former Headmistress of the school. Despite the lack of School Day crowds it was still a very successf ul venture. A students'Art display was held in the library in conjunction with our show. Further f unctions planned for 1984 are a stall at Family Day on 13th October at the home of Mrs. Carmel Holmes; a cocktail party on 25th October at the Brisbane Club, the f irst joint f unction with the Brisbane Grammar Old Boys for many years; and an Evening Reunion on 9th November at the school. We hope that all girls leaving the school will join the Association and so keep a bond with the school and its activities, and wish them success in their chosen careers. Once again to Mrs. Hancock and all members of the school community, I would like to extend my thanks and that of the association for their assistance and support during the year, particularly as it is my last year as President. Jean Vallis, President 14 Treasurer: Mrs. Paula McKellar (Purvis). Assistant Treasurer: Miss Lorraine Chesters. Past President: Miss Lorraine Chesters
Former Headmistress, Miss Nancy Shaw with Mrs. lean Vallis Prof essor Cheryl Praeger is the second woman appointed to a Chair in Mathematics in Australia. She specialises in pure Mathematics Research at the University of Western Australia. Rhoda Felgate has been awarded an Honorary Master of Arts Degree by the University of Queensland. This has been given in recognition of her contribution to Drama and Speech .eaching in Brisbane and Queensland. She was a foundation member of Brisbane Repertory Theatre in 1925 and in 1936 founded the Twelfth Night Theatre which she directed until 1961. She was a member of the Australian Broadcasting Commission f rom 1960 to 1972 and of the Queensland Literary Board from 1961 to 1975. Mrs. Una Hollingworth was awarded one of the Lord Mayor's Australia Day Citizen's and Sports Awards for service to Theatre and the Performing Arts. Kay Robertson has been awarded the Federal Aviation Department's Sir Donald Anderson award for the woman pilot who makes the best academic progress towards professional aviation qualif ications. Joan Godfrey was awarded an O.B.E. in the New Year Honours List for her contribution to nursing education in Queensland. Daphne Fancutt was recently captain-manager of an Australian "Over-Fifty" Ladies' tennis team in France. She was selected following her outstanding performance earlier this year in the Australasian Veterans Carnival when she was a member of the winning Queensland over-45 team and won the over-50 mixed doubles without the loss of a set during the entire tournament. Allanah Dobson has been awarded a Queen Elizabeth Jubilee Grant. Allanah has achieved high results at the Conservatorium, and intends to f urther her studies in Music at London University.
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