1984 School Magazine

The match against St. Paul's was a great end to a most enjoyable season. We hope that cricket continues as a competitive sport within the school and that many more girls find the motivation to come and join. lt is fun, but we are serious, and we need support. lf you don't think you're a Dennis Lillee or a Greg Chappel, you can just come and watch if you like! We will hopef ully b" putting nets in sometime soon, so it will be easy to join us for practice. Hope to see you there! Good luck to everyone next season, and we hope to report some wins. After all, we've all got to start somewhere, and we started at the bottom there's nowhere to go but up! Susan Warren and Megan Huppert


Mr Whippy here we come! The above inspiring expression was one of the school's cricket captains (and the rest of the teams, at one point or another), favourite sayings. What is a cricket match without Mr Whippy's chocolate and caramel nut sundaes, you might ask? And thus, every time tea came, or, more often than not, when we were out and no one else was, we two 'mature'seniors went in search of the elusive jingle-jangle of Mr Whippy. But so much for the serious side of cricket. The 1983,284 season was a vast improvement on our first season last year. We achieved a number of draws and a couple of first innings wins, including one very exciting match between the First and Second Elevens. U nfortunately we only had one match between the two teams because we were forced to amalgamate them to form one team, due to a falling away of several members. Of the club teams, there was only one against whom we enjoyed playing. The team was Valleys and they were the only team who played in the true spirit of the game rather than concentrating on winning only. We played a social against them which was great fun, and typically, we won it as it didn't count for points. We would like to extend our thanks to them for making the games so enjoyable. Many thanks also to our coach, Mr. Warren, and to Mr. and Mrs. Litster and their son Richard who helped umpire and score and also supplied food when Mr Whippy evaded us. The'Cool Pops'were great, as was the support when things were looking black. Thanks also to Mrs, Short for her continued support within the school. Hopef ully next year we'll have another teacher- cum-cricket coach to thank (HINT HINT all you teachers out there!!) But wait! we have forgotten . . . (drum roll) . . . the HICHLICHT (and end) of the season . . . the big social game of the decade . . . the April First match against St. Paul's School. This match was one of our closest all year. The final scores were 166 to 146, with an upset win by St. Paul's. Their first eleven were perfect gentlemen in every sense (as long as you didn't listen to the conversation behind the wickets). As for the girls, most of us got the highest scores we've ever had! Probably the best part was the Honour Cuard, or maybe when we moved the boundaries, or perhaps when the wicket keeper imitated Ray Phillips. Well, whatever was the best incident, there can be no doubt about the best quote: "You're only being nice to us so that you can go to our Formal!" And the biggest surprise (for the boys) was when we hit our first four. French cricket, indeed! This display of strength was emphasized when one of the close-in f ielders nearly lost a nose, forcing them to move back to 'sensible' positions. However, our ferocity was condoned. Not so with the boys! Any potentially dangerous ball (especially if a girl was hit) was greeted with cries of 'Murderer! Animal! Villain!" 82

Megan Huppert at the Sports Presentation

Our coach, Mr. Warren and a surprised Christine Farmer

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