1984 School Magazine
SOFTBALT REPORT Our results in softball in 1984 are not as successful as in the past few years, but both teams thoroughly enjoyed the short seasoh, p€rforming well to come third in both premierships. The B's, captained by Vicki Powell, lost on ly to State H igh and Somerville House in two close matches. The A's lost to Clayfield College, drew with Somerville and just lost in an excellent game to State High 3-4. Thanks go to Mrs. Harvey-Short and Cathy Rees for coaching the A and B teams respectively. Their expert advice came in handy throughout the season. This year there was a change of ven ue f rom Kelvin Grove Campus to the Kedron Campus of the B.C.A.E., ond this created a problem for 1983 Softball Captain, Pam Rogers, who couldn't find us! Thank you to our supporters, umpires and Alexe Seckold who again scored for A Crade this year. Grade B and 9 teams do not compete until second semester and we wish them the best of luck. Next year we are hoping to put our A Grade team into the club competition to give the team more match practice and improve teamwork, which has been difficult to develop in the short Q.C.S.S.S.A. season. I hope this is successf u I and the teams can be in the winning in the future.
A Grade: Back row (L. to R.) Leanne Copp, f ackie Still, Dimity Winders, Kylie Yule, Wendy Conomos, Beth Fitzgerald. Front row (L. to R.) Michaela Skett, Andrea Drew, Dorothy Mohun, fill Horsfall.
Kylie Yule
B. Grade Back row (L. to R.) Susan Anderson, Samantha Banks, Cathy Rees (Coach), Amanda Fitzsimmons, Nicole Anderson, Cathy Briggs' Aliza Ezta, Salliann f ohnson, Wendy Bowen. Front row (L. to R.) Kathy Poulton, Susan Mirls, Vicki Powell, Andrea Codd.
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