1983 School Magazine
TENNSS R.EPORT'19S3 ,A.nother Tennis season began on the 16th of July, 1983, when Grammar played her first match against St. F{ilda's at Southport. Our success there started the trend for the rest of the season. Our newest recruits (the Grade 8's) showed that the standard of tennis at this school in the coming years will be very high. Consislent playing and hard hitting contributed to their successful premiership win. .All members played extremely well and their win is one that they have the right to be extremely proud of. The Grade 9 team also proved that the standard of tennis in the lower school is high. They did not win the premierships but put in a great effort to be placed among the top four. The C Grade, after a few setbacks, settled down to play one of the most mixed up seasons in the past tennis years. They played professionally and experienced many close matches to place them high in the competition, coming in third. The B Grade team consisted of 4 very strong Grade 10 players who played extremely well to place them third aiso. The A T'eam showed how strong they were by winning all their matches except against the ever powerful State High team. They came second in the competition and deserve to be congratulated on their placement. A special mention must go to Sally McCann, who was chosen to go to Ferth to represent her State in the Queensland Schoolgirls Team. Congratulations Sally, we are all very proud of youl On behalf of all the teams I would iike to thank Mrs. Orme (alias Miss Sinden) for her enthusiasm and the continual support she gave us. Without her, we would not have obtained the great results we did,, Thanks also to Mr. I-ane who looked after us while Mrs. Orme was on camp. Thanks and congratulations to all the girls in the teams and best of luck for the coming years. Lorraine Bunker (Captain 1983)
Helen Boydell A Grade
Larissa Wright Year 8
Lisa Doyle A Grade
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