1983 School Magazine

The entire tearn though owe their thanks for their success to Mrs. Harvey Short and T'racey T'olcher, who, since she herself was tsaltrgames Captain in tr980, returned for the third year to help in selection and training of the teams. 'lfhey both put in a great amount of their precious time and effort to prepare the tearn for the event. Thank you so rnuch. n would also like to take this opportunity to say a last congratulations to the entire team for the effort and co-operation they gave during the season and on the day, especially all the Grade tr2's in their final tsaligames competition. tsest of luck to the Ballgames next year, I hope they can keep up the standard that we achieved this year. Annabel Wilson I would like to take this opportunity to thank Annabel, as my Captain, for her marvellous effort this season. After starting with all the right intentions, weather made Annabel's job particularly hard and tr was most appreciative of her unfailing enthusiasrn and encouragement. P.F{.S.

BA{,}-GAN{ES T983 Well again our rather short season of Eallgarnes is over, not without the usual panic and frustration in attempting to pick the teams in time. lfhe rather enthusiastic Grade 8's began their training a week before the Easter holidays, and trials went underway after the holidays, despite the many interruptions by the rain. But we managed "through hail, sleet and storm", to have the teams chosen and prepared (though in some cases not fully prepared) for our day of competition. The Q.G.S.S.S.A. Ballgames Competition was held on the 8th of May at St. Hilda's, Southport and everyone seemed enthusiastic and ready to try and take out first place from the champions, St. F{ilda's. The day was filled with suspense and excitement and, at first, we were conscious of the interest and comment on our Ballgames uniform. Grammar started extremely well, leading over the champions after the first two sets of games. St. F{ilda's showed their superiority towards the end when they took the lead. The competition ended with St. l{ilda's winning on272 points with Grammar 2nd on 243 and St. Aidan's who came third with 213 points. Everyone agreed it was a great day and tr was really pleased to see how well we had done after such a short period of training. The Grade tr2's took two firsts, three seconds and one minor position in the 6 games and the 8's, 9's and ll0's did extremely well achieving five firsts and seconds between them. The honours of the day, however, must go to the Grade trl's who managed to achieve, out of the six games, 4 firsts, I second and one minor placing.

Athletes: (L to R) Melinda Webb, Pam Rogei's, Jessica Axelson, Cathy Martin, Melissa Meade, Karen-Anne Cole, Libby Crockart.

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