1983 School Magazine

B,&SKtrTtsAT,L REP@RT N983 School Basketball Co-Captains: Belinda Morris and Sally Stewart Basketball is played all year round at school and has developed to one of the most popular sports at ts.G.G.S. .Approximately ninety girls play Easketbajl for our club and each season we have to turn giris away because we are unabie to cater for them" One problem we do have is the lack in the number of coaches. With only four coaches to cater for our eight teams, it puts a tremendous load on the time and effort our coaches put into the club. ,As there is no G.F.S. competition lor tsasketball, we play in the tsrisbane Amateur tsasketball Association,s Junior Competition. We aiso enter a team in the Queensiand Secondary Schools State Championship which is run by the Queensland,{mateur nasketbill Association on a State wide basis. As_ well as the growth in numbers of our club, the standard of tsasketball produced by the teams is increasing. trn the second season of 19gi, ail eight of our teams made the final four play offs. The iirst season of 1983 saw six of our eight teams make the finai four play offs. .At present in the second season of 19g3, seven of our eight teams are in the top four of their respective divisions. This year we have produced undoubtedly the finest School R.ep Team to play for B.G"G.S. Our ichool ieam won the Queensland Secondary School Championship in a very tense and exciting firaal against Fittsworth who were the number one seed. The final went into two perio

.^ -Schoo^l Rep Team -- Secondary School State Champions 12 Sally Stewart; 11 Betinda Norfis; 9 Mandy Wissleri t5 Liza IVlarks; 13 Eddie Luck; 5 Beth Fitzgeratd: 6 Eiridget..tohnson; 8 Trudi Ditchf ield; Coach Barry Wardeh We are indebted to the parents for their support at garnes and for the invaluable taxi services they provide. With aln'rost half the club being boarders, we would be lost without the assistance parents ancl coaches give with transport. Our coaches deserve very special thanks for the excessive affiounts of time and effort they put into our club both at trainings and at games on weekends. To Mr. Barry Warden, ftz{r" tsob R.ayner, Mr. nan F{ughes and our new coach to join us this seasonrMrs. Bronwyn Lockwoodrwe extend a very special thanks from each and every member of the clutr. tsest of luck in the years to corne and keep up the great standard. Sally Stewart (Co-Captain - B.G.G"S. tsasketball Club)


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