1983 School Magazine
PHOTOGRAPHY REFOR,T 1983 1983 was a year full of excitement as the Photography Club established itself once again, on the principles already laid down since 1979 when the club was founded. In second term, Gillian MacFarlane and I took on the positions of Vice-President and President under the watchful eye of Mr. Walsh. The aim of the Photography Club is to teach the basics of photography through to the development and printing of a film. Meetings were held weekly in the darkroom with the Juniors meeting every Monday lunch time and the Seniors meeting every Wednesday. The club got underway early in the term and our members picked up the basics quickly - the activities we pursued during these meetings were developing, both a negative and a film, creating pictures through the task of photograms and studying other areas of photography in which a photograph can be transformed. This year has been a successful one in the eyes of the Photography Club. We owe Mr. Walsh our thanks and gratitude for the time and work he hae put into the club. Without his friendly advice and help the Club would not have been as successful as it was. We treasure our memories from the Photography Club of 1983. Anne Kennedy
S.R.C. R.EPORT 1983 will be remembered by the S.R.C. as one of the most outspoken and productive years on record. The Reps. this year should be congratulated for their consistent efforts which enabled all our projects to be completed with such success. We began the S.R.C. year early, in February, with the Executive Body deciding upon a divided committee, Junior and Senior sub divisions meeting in alternate weeks, and with a general meeting at the end of each month. The system worked well and even the Junior Reps. had opportunity to have their say. As a result of our effective communication many major problems were solved. Our biggest success ttris year would have to be the numerous Film Nights we have held. Enjoyed by all, they also managed to raise substantial funds which have gone towards the production of valuable Identification Cards for many students. Of course the annual School Day Bar-B-Que/Film Night was staged in third term. Again the S.R.C. played an active part in school activities. By no means is the S.R.C. planning to slow down as the final term approaches. We have a special surprise in store, for the Seniors in particular, but more of that in fourth term. I would like to thank Mr. Bromily on behalf of all the Reps. .\s usual we really appreciated his unending support. Also thanks go to the members of the Executive Committee, Libby Crockart (Vice-President), Andrea Griffin (Secrefary) and Cathy Martin (Treasurer) who worked so well together throughout the year. Goodluck to those R.eps. who are running for positions next year. Best wishes for all in 1984. Libby Aitkin (President)
CHESS CLIJB REPORT OK! We may not be the Robert de Castella's of Chess, but we try our hardest! We all realise now that chess involves not only intellectual stamina but the ability to defend our views on womens' lib against our chauvinistic opponents. It's a fantastic feeling to know that well . . our losing is improving - maybe one day, we might even win a set or two but in the meantime, we'll have fun trying. We'd like to thank Mr. Stuart for putting up with us and don't worry. "We're getting better all the time!" Joanna Gardiner (President) Melsa Bailey (Secretary)
Thanks should also go to t,Oat
would have been achieved.
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