1983 School Magazine
,dfter auditions within the first week of school this year, a 60 piece band - the stunning 1983 Concert Band - was formed. We started the year with the usual Wednesday afternoon rehearsal, eager to discover the new and exciting works Mr. Earry Warden our well-known and loved conductor, had for us. F{ighlights of our year included the rehearsathon on ,April l7th, the Youth in Concert with Q.Y.O. on June 4th, Music Camp at Alexandra F{eadlands June lOth - l4th, Music Tour June 19th - 22nd, Concert Band R.eunion on 4th of September, School Day Concert on September trOth, playing in the N4all on September l5th and a From Concert on October 22nd. Our rehearsathon proved to be worthwhile in that we raised money for our coming tour and achieved some well- needed practice, preparing us for our part in the successful concert with Q.Y.O. We all enjoyed and benefited from this musical experience which introduced us to a different style of music. The Music Camp, as always, was a combination of hard work and good fun. Due to the attendance of all band members, practice times were most productive. On the social side many new friendships developed. We'd like to thank all House Staff and parents who contributed to the success of this weekend.
All dressed up and no place to go!
'What suspicious looking white parcel lying on the ground?"
Orchestra has grown too and is now improving at a tate "faster than the speed of lightning". These are just the major groups, the others; String Orchestra, Recorder Consort, La Capella (a new and excellent Madrigal group), Girls Chorale and others now have over half the girls in the school participating. The music department is readily looking forward to the facilities olfered by the new building, which it deserves. Congratulations all round to the B.G.G.S. "musos" who deserve all the credit they have heaped upon them, and thanks in particular to our illustrious leaders Mr. Rod Wakefieid, Mr. Barry Warden and Miss Duggan, who has added that "touch of class" to the music staffroom this year. We've enjoyed ourselves and are proud to have this department of the school. Hope everything continues well for you next year and in the future. Libby Lynch, Anita Chesmond
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