1982 BGGS Magazine


Reflections at 17 I was a scarecrow - my insecurity, despair and isolation reflected in a pathetic 4 hay man. . ~ Childlike, I clutched at the fast-crumbling pillars of my · ~ world, But unsaved and lonely as he, it crashed, and the hated " they" form ed high school out of the rubble. Ageless Inevitability My heart is not stolen, I am ·not alone.

12 Years Old and tattered man, Are you unhappy where you stand?

What do they do to you? How do you feel? Is it your heart they have come to steal? Why are you standing there all on your own? Is it because of the seeds they've sown? You in the wind and the rain and the hail, Don ' t they think that you n1ight go stale?

I am not unhappy; th e seeds have now grown . But I'm still a scarecros- I remember th e pain of starting over, and soon I must face it again. 12 L.

You're to scare the birds they say, Oh poor, dear man made out of hay.

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