1982 BGGS Magazine
BURNT CANDJLE We all gasped, unable to accept The news that had been thrust upon us It all seemed so unreal A live, living, breathing the night before But now gone. And when the news had sunk in Our eyes filled with tears As we thought of ourselves in her place. L1je is so precious We ought to lean out and grasp it while we can Share with our loved ones Before they are no longer there to share with Or one day A part of our li ves will be gone Before it has even begun. Susan· Warren, 10 Gr
POET Like a fool He Scrapes his soul To find bits and pieces of Sens itivity. And then .. An incurable cancerous Monster grows Within his scorched insides And then ... A /coho/ .. . Heroin ... Cocaine . A nd then .. . Wilkinson's Razor Blade Finally B L 0 0 D Eva Hue /me. 12 L.
OVERDOSE She had been deceived by the daggar ofdeath now her body and being were succumbing eyes lolled, looking down on her pale, frail frame · disgusting regurgitating gurgles · giggle inside - salt like sea dripped into vision but on-dne could hear no-one ever heard screams for recognition
no-one saw the sufferance like splendour in the grass i-vhich the hours could never revive She slipped away
into oblivion. S .M.B. 12 Gr.
ON AI DEATH · Too real to be false and too false to be real,
daring defiant
abusive · confidei1t threatening intimidating · menacing metallic murdering -GUN Jane Robertson. ·12 E.
My world's a sick mixt£ire of facts that I feel, Spins weakly, centrifuges my love to one place, The test-tube's just shattered-flung off into space. But I'm not for truth, no, I am for dreams, I'm for stealing feeling and filtering screams. Innocence guides me, ignorance guards me, Soon Time will en.trap me and I will cry freely. Kathie Jeays. 12 L.
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