1982 BGGS Magazine
WANDERINGS The warm, rich scents ofsummer, Drift in through the classroom window, Carried by the cool breezes, Tugging my mind away from Geography, To more distant and dear things. Accompanied to the tropical forests, The broad plains. The deep azure seas, The chilled mountain tops, By the warm, rich scents of summer. To add to the ever increasing pile, Of distractions that pull strongly. Memories drift back, Discolow·ing the present, With smells, sights and feelings, That are afixed to our minds, By the warm, rich scents of summer. One wonders how many students Have sat and pondered these places and memories, To transport and linger, To submit totally to this distraction. The decision has been made, that with swiftness and rapidity, summer will arrive, Because the herald has been sounded, By the warm, rich scents of summer. Andrea Griffen, (11 England) They entice, they transport, They transform, they linger. In the minds of students,
ADULTS BEWARE Adults beware At least have a care For what is about to befall you. Your children grow up
Take water from your cup And what do they care - nothing. Gone are the days of the babe in arms When you were enticed with their sweetly charms. Now they grow up, rebel, run away causing Heartbreak and anguish - so what? Now you're old and grey, You've had !tfe's say And expect to be properly looked after -
Oh put the ol' boy in a home. Your children have matured Their promise ofchi!dren assured. So to the next generation I repeat A dulls beware. Janet Austen, BL
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