1982 BGGS Magazine
Congratulations to the girls who did so well in the Goethe Verse-Speaking Contest this year. There were l ,230 candidates from 53 schools, so our girls certainly represented the school well . First pri zes were won by Eva Huchne (Grade 12) and Tuntuni Bhattacharyya (Grade I 0) . Second prize winners were Naomi Kirkkawa (Grade I 0) and Ruth Graham (Grade 8) Third prizes went to Alexandra Henderson (Grade 12), Sonya Roeser (Grade II), Ann Harrap (Grade 10) and Lisa Wruck (Grade 8). The following girls received honourable mentions: Kirsten Thomson and Anne Rigby (Grade I 0), Natalie Matthews (Grade 9), and Leith Banney (Grade 8) . h&-k f\ctch~tiwj .~s:>em. w;r E;.,k~FVr~ oh!A.~ \.Ar~ i.dchi\i.\1 , 1-t i~?.r is\ d.c.vJ 1\Qitl.fhuM.s Beh~ . Ve.r ki:k.fu\.'\ ~ kaM) • J-. Ih,wr'\ hx..i fun ?' IYl o dJiv(\., S';e.. vieileickt dicse..-:s l'Ctele!.? iAr:,-ill,\ct: Nei") teA, S'•.t.~ keinu f(ee,i·ct, Verkl:t~A.ferl(\, : FT-Q.~o~,lei(\, mo~ Siot.. uUe.se.s A:Attr S;J'\M.~ dh'lpr-o bit-r..v.\.? kO..h:l.!A"': so.., IJ. b~~MA.ck.. e.il\. Po..ctr s~ c1be.r 1\ I ckf: fvi. e.r . Glhi-tl~ : G',·hr e.s cUI\M\ Ve.rk&.u.fet-? \ie.r-kWA.ferif\.! Ww fehi t mir' ? Ka+d-etl\. : l\],c)J;:5 n;c..M:s ~ 0 •• se-t nioll.i ) +rcvvtri3 ·- sie hv.i ~~tl ~e,5e.,~, ( :D:~ kMck,;:,_ 9e~e-"' !)iA "ct;M'· Mo.nf\ .) ~\r:nllC\ . : [cj, t'\1\M.~ i1'\1):'5e.,n ~{(\~ AA2.iA5 ~Clbv-1\ un..cl D.M.cl JW\{Un MetAl'\ ctarin. K~t-c4t\: Hc.w.. Gtb 1 6' r is r r\icl\t ~i(\e Gro~Q.. . l-1.~';;,"'-\ct; Aber u- i~l 1'1\ii>\!L Feu--be.~ Ye.rk~IA-fetit\: Wort-e-n. $'ie.! t-r 15·r 1\'\fl..;f\ Metl\n, CINS W\11eRI1ALTUNG KGtt~:
Liebe Schulerinnen, Wie geht's? Now I shall have to resort to the foreign ~nglis idiom. ·~ Let me tell you about .my 'trips' to the great German world of language and culture this year. We had an especially good guide (er heisst Herr Steele oder oft 'Frau Steele'!) As we relaxed and sank into the hard wooden ch.airs of L24, Herr Steele would keep talking, happily believing that we were hypnotised by the beauty of the German tongue. You see, the six of us were guinea-pigs for his new teaching techniques. (Ja, es gibt nur sechs Madchen in unserer Klasse. Man fragt sich warum?) Herr Steele wanted to see whether we could achieve better than the already incredibly good results we were receiving, if we used our .fertile subconsciousness rather than our barren cortsciousn~ss to learn. So we closed . our eyes (schla,fen) wh,ile he fluently guided us through the jungle of German gramm~r. German lessons provided the 'highs' we needed to keep .bn .keeping on. Even the musica,l section of our classes in the language lab transported us fr:om the mundane classroom - what else d.Oes one exped with songs entitled 'Sex in der Wuste' (i.e. 'Sex in · the Desert'), 'Feuerzeug' (i.e. 'The Cigarette- Lighter') and 'Schwein' (i.e. 'Pig')? · However, we also returned some 'trips' to Herr Steele, by allowing him to peer into the most private crannies of our lives - he told us we had to keep a diary which was to be corrected by him. Now and then, Herr Steele could not resist giving his line of advice (which when eventually deciphered became "Yes, you should still invite him to the Formal"). · As you can see, German still reigns as the most valuable experience at this school. I mean, what else can offer the combination of a 'trip' to Germany and dreamland, with free psychological consultations,. all in the space of forty- five minutes? One . only reluctantly comes back down to earth. Auf Wiedersehen meine Damen, Winn.
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