1982 BGGS Magazine

GRADE 1li BHOLOGY CAMP Grade 11 classes once again set off on their trek into the wilderness on the annual Biology camps. All three avid explorers, oh, I mean, teachers led their expeditions in different directions - Binnaburra, Mt. Glorious and Neranwood. Conditions, as the horses, urn, buses, were loaded looked ominous - grey-black storm clouds loomed on the horizon, and still the four intrepid classes ventured out, clutching rapidly developing yeast from E.E.A . Only four of the six classes left on Wednesday-the other 2 departed from school on Thursday morning. Mrs. Sharma's classes were soon settled comfortably and tucking into the lollies while delaying their excursion into virgin bush, freezing rapids and untouched mountain side. Mrs . Barnes' classes also settled in well and apart from a small window incident where a few girls nearly froze to death, locked out on a ledge, everything was very industrious. The campers had a few difficulties which can not be fully appreciated until they are experienced. The tents were being pitched as those ominous clouds (you know, the same ones in the first paragraph) unleashed their powers - there was also some rain. There passed a miserable evening - no dry food (except lollies - how terrible!), few dry clothes (who was it who travelled home wearing pyjama pants?), soaked bedding (four to a sleeping bag - mm, fun!) and other general unpleasantness. So, when the Neranwood and Binnaburra girls arrived home - weary but triumphant, having beaten 7a 1 at last, (bird calls 5.00 a.m. standing near holes for hours with beady eyes watching - no I'm not talking about Wendy - it was a snake!) they were met by the campers who gave up after only 20 hours in the pouring rain! Their spirits were low, and in between snuffles, coughs and sneezes general comparisons were made. ยท So in conclusion I'd like to take this opportunity to "warn" all of next years eager biologists and their eager teachers/expedition leaders, and wish them a dismally wet, horribly cold camp. We thoroughly enjoyed outselves didn't we girls? Girls??? P.S. Mrs. Sharma was found to have an irresistable urge for custard, caramel topping, and of all things, FIS.H FINGERS! Libby Lynch.


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