1982 BGGS Magazine
GEJRMAN JFOlLJKlLOJRlE GJROUP The Group had a busy year with eleven performances including the Mardi Gras at St Paul's Bald Hills, Sinnamon Village, Goethe Society at . University of Queensland, International House Fair and the Gap Church of England Annual Dinner. We also made our annual pilgrimage to the Munich Steak House where we astonished the Band and audience with our ability at dancing the Schuhplattler. We still have several performances to go with Hopetoun in Corinda, School Day, and the October Fest of the M.L.T.Q.A., where we dance for an audience of up to 4000 students of German in Queensland High Schools. On September 4th the group went to Fairholme College, Toowoomba and performed at a German N ight for students of German at Toowoomba . We have been lucky this year to have 6 new enthusiastic membe rs who keep the group bu sy with finding grandparents and friends who are involved with fetes and who would love the group to dance. This year as well as the improvements to our costumes (real German socks for the girls and new headbands) we have a brand new set of real cow bells sent over from Austria and we are busy learning new songs to play for our
future audiences. Penelope Buntine.
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