1982 BGGS Magazine

RHYTHMIC GYMNASTICS Rhythmic Gymnastics this year has turned out to have extremely enthusiastic girls all wanting to try their abilities with the hoop, ribbon or ball. So far this yea r the girls have had to get up early in the mornings to get to school by 7.00 a.m. for a n hour and a half training and practice session. They have had lunch time practices , after school practices , and they ha ve even given up a few weekends for practising for their competitions. We had some girls attend an R .S.G. camp at Tallebudgera and we had long sessions training, warming up and learning new ways of handling the equipment. To our surprise we even learnt rope and club, which we had never done before. We soon realized we weren't as fit as what we thought we were, all of the second day we were wa lking around camp with aching muscles, but we still managed to continue. Also this year we have had Strathcona come up on the 19th-25th of September. We had a great time competing with them and we all did very well. Hoop- First Ribbon - Second Ball - Second We haven't asyet, had our inter-school competition, but we are training hard enough to get a place. This year we have our first coach who used to do the actual judging in competitions, so we are very lucky to have Mrs Magnusum to help us with our routines.

GYM REPORT Our 1982 gymnastic year began well, with girls of all ages, shapes and sizes flocking to the gymnasium, trusting with enthusiasm, ready to dedicate themselves to a semester of hard work and physical exhaustion . The first competition was the Interhouse gymnastics in which six gymnasts from each of the six houses participated. The girls performed admirably in front of hundreds of patriotic teachers, students and parents. At the completion of the evening awards were given to the winning house: 3. Lilley - 110.9 points 4. Griffith - 100.1 points 5. Gibson - 95.4 points 6. England - 86.9 points Other merits for individual achievement were presented to- Vault- Joanne Hilder This small competition provided our gymnasts with excellent experience for our coming competitions. Our next major competition is the annual battle with Melbourne's Methodist Ladies' College. B.G.G.S., current champions, will be striving to once again prove our supremacy over the gymnasts from the south. Our final test will be when we compete against the other schools in the Q.G.S.S.S.A. gymnastic competition on Octobc;:r 23rd. With all the enthusiasm and' experience we have gained, I'm .sure the 1982 competition will be a walkover!! (Get it!, WALKOVER). - 1. Wookcock - 117 points 2. Hirschfeld - 114.1 points Bars - Helen Wordsworth Beam - Rebecca Fielding Floor - Sue Bendeich

Susan Bendeich and Helen Wordsworth 56

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