1982 BGGS Magazine

TENNIS REPORT The 1982 Tennis season was one of complete surprise. This year the five tennis teams did exceptionally well, with the Grade B and C teams coming second and the Year 9 and B teams third. In previous years Tennis has been one of the fairly unknown sports in the school but this year the popularity of the sport was indicated by the large number of students who tried out this year. All members of the team trained exceptionally hard this season but all this training would have been wasted had it not been for the hard work and continual support of Miss Sinden. On behalf of the teams I would like to thank her for all the time and effort that she put into this year's Tennis fixtures. Her help benefited us immensely. These results indicate that the standard of Tennis in the school has improved greatly over the years. It also gives an insight into the up and coming talent we have here at B.G.G.S. , and it is obvious that we can look forward to more successful seasons in the future. It has been a most }.:njoyable season of Tennis and my only regret is that Miss Sinden couldn't have been here earlier. Best of luck for the coming years. Sue Waring


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