1982 BGGS Magazine
FORMAL REPORT Weeks of exhausting preparation in Physics, History and English lessons led to D-day, September 23rd. Business nourished for down-town norists, frustrated beauticians, plastic surgeons and Anna-Marie and Mr John, as the minutes of the afternoon ticked by for 150 girls and the occasional enthusiastic young gentleman . After the tension of Pre's, our endless diets were proven to be unsuccessful as we rolled up to Fairview Lounge to introduce our charming and nervous partners to Mr and Mrs Hancock and the Head Girls. Dinner was great and cries of "Fire!" accompanied our naming chocolate dessert. The band's vitality and versatility revealed the talents of many an Olivia Newton- John or John Travolta. Teachers were seen in a new, dimmed and ultra-violet light. Off to the Post-Formal and later (much later) a few of us greeted the sunrise. We would like to thank the Formal Committee, headed by Vanessa Coates , for arranging such a wonderfully successful evening.
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