1982 BGGS Magazine
I.S.C.F. SURF CAMP II 1982 Surf Camp II, for grades I0-12 was held , as usual , at Burleigh Heads. Apart from rainy weather it was a relative success. Each day consisted of a morning study, at least one organized activity and the greater part of the day was spent lazing in the sun (rain!!!). Night time activities included a movie, a bush dance, a games night, a B-B-Q, a fancy dress ball and other assorted entertainment. In spite of the weather , the camp gave all participants a great opportunity to get away from familiar faces and meet new and interesting friends. Joanne Macfarlane- 12E
!.S.C. F. has had ·a great year so far, and we anticipate ending on that same note. With two regular meetings as well as two prayer meetings each week , we' ve had excell ent opportunities to get to know each other. A combined camp held with Boys' Grammar in July helped us to get to know our brothers, as well as God, on a much closer level. Through the year we ' ve had an ice-cream stall, a sweet stall, hosted an Area Social- been to many(!) and have generally had a great time sharing each others' company, knowing it is God who creates that extra special bond of friendship existing in the group . I.S.C.F . "specializes" in running SUPER terrific camps in the holidays. Among them are the ever-popular Surf Camp (long live water fights !), Gold Coast Camp, Blue Mountains Camp, Wollumbin, Study Camp ... the list goes on! So . . if you ' re bored in the holidays, try an I.S .C.F. camp for an automatic cure! The group as a whole has found tremendous comfort in knowing God's love, and we hope the same spirit is carried on in all following years. Anne Reath. 12E
I.S.C.F. TRAINING WEEK Training week proved to be a really stimulating camp, challenging and fortifying the faith of everyone who went. Fascinating questions arose during Bible Study and apologetics sessions when we discussed in detail the fundamentals of Christianity. The other activities (where madness generally prevailed) were electives, volleyball matches , SINGING SESSIONS and bush walking. Throughout all these doings, the presence of God was evident in the great Christian love of fellowship and general
hilarity we shared together. Anna Hildebrand - II H
I.S.C.F. A.T.W. A.T.W. -Area Training Weekend was held on March 12- 13 at Mt Tambourine; a beautiful mountainous setting for sharing Christian fellowsh ip. The guest speaker, John Sweetman, gave a study on Philippians with frequent interruptions of a chorus, "All the people said , 'Amen '", which supposedly was to keep us awake. Our new councellor, Mr Pincott, came with us and helped the group to grow closer together. Anyone is welcome to come next year. You can't miss it- you'll really enjoy it! C. Robinson
MADAD CAMP Music Art Drama and Dance Camp was a great opportunity to pursue these interests and discover your talents. Choral work , improvised harmonies, audio visual, sound, lighting, Jamms, bands, plays and dances were some of the activities . The climax of the week was a concert on the final night. Why not come next year? Alison Reid . 36
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