1982 BGGS Magazine

We have been honoured by having three Interactors, Penny Buntine, Amanda Rooney and Sue Bradley chosen for Rotary Scholarships. Thanks must go to our two representatives from Windsor Rotary Club, Mr Skett and Mr Logan (who helped to found our club), Mrs Sharma, our staff representative, and Mrs Hancock, who have never ceased to encourage and support. But most of the thanks, for such a successful and extremely enjoyable year must go to the members of Interact (and their parents too!) , without whom the possibility of helping others as a group would not exist.

Bes t wishes for next year and the many years of interact to come,

Liza Neil President

THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH'S AWARD SCHEME The Duke of Edinburgh Club this year has enjoyed a membership of approximately thirty girls - bronze and silver candidates who have put a great deal of individual effort into the various requirements laid down by the scheme. Co ngratul ations go to Cathy Yule, Elizabeth Jameson, Lalita Lakshman and Elisabeth Furnival from year 12 for the completi on of their silver section, and to Sue Hunt, Anne Camino, Susan Carmie and Helen Derrington for achieving their bronze award. Many others are nearing completion of their awards. Club activities commenced in March when a barbeque lunch was held at Mt Coot-tha for club members and their families- it was a most enjoyable afternoon. Fundraising: to begin upgrading the school's hiking equipment, took the form of two efforts which yielded the funds for a new haversack. The club provided billy tea and damper at the Fathers' Group bush dance in May, and will be selling the same on School Day. Warmest thanks must go to Miss McAdam for the time she has given to training and testing candidates in their expedition areas, and for the support she has given to us this year as club co-ordinator. Thanks are also extended to Mrs Stratham, Miss Cahill and Mr Emery, to each family for their suppor t and donations so willingly given, to this year's executive, and to the girls themselves in the hope that they have found the Scheme worthwhile.

Congratulations also to Junior Interact, our grade 8 only club, led by Mandy Warrick, who have shown their initiative and their developing powers of organization, in many ways, such as a party at a children's home and a sweet stall. Thanks must go to Meredith Kayser, Jenny Buchanan and Vicky Harrison , who have re-introduced this group 4 years after its first establishment.

Good luck to 1983's D of E'ers!

Sue Wilkinson, Club President


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