1982 BGGS Magazine
INTERACT REPORT 1982 Our club is now ten years old! We have been helping in the school , in the community, and internationally for a decade. We can a lso celebrate an increase in the number of our members. (Eighty girls have been involved in Interact), and the success of our endeavours as a service club. As you can see from the list of our activities we have been very busy. 1981-16th0ct. Freedom From Hunger Campaign Door knock in Spring Hill. 19th Nov. Annual Christmas Party with B.G.S. Interact at the Royal Brisbane Hospital. The children seemed to enjoy the presents which were distributed by the B.G.S. Santa Claus and the Christmas Ca rols by the Concert Cho ir. 1982- 14th Feb. Interact District Instructional Seminar held at B.G .G.S. A great test of our organizational skills, in hosting Interactors from the 14 schools in our district. 17-22nd March Anna Cowie hosted a girl from New Guinea who was here to attend the District 960 Rotary Conference. 21st March Anna Cowie, Vanessa Neil and I, along with Interactors from St. Margarets, Terrace, Clayfield , B.G.S. and All Hallows, produced a skit which we performed at the Rotary Walkathon from school to Sandi Eisentrager's house at Mansfield . We didn't know that it was 17 km, but the B.B.Q. and pool made up for the sore feet at the end and we raised over $300 for World Vision. 28th March Life Line Doorknock - 9 girls (not all from Interact) collected $160.99 in 3 hours in the Herston area. 2nd April Easter Party at Montrose Home for Crippled Children. A group of 10 B.G.S. boys and 10 girls caught the train to Mon- trose. The left over eggs (200) went to Meals on Wheels and the Women 's Refuges. 20th April To mark the opening of Anti-Litter Week, Alison Macin- tosh , Sandi Eisentrager, Winnifred Lee and I went to King George Square to participate in the opening ceremony. 23rd April The Interact District Social. By this, we attempted something that has never been done in our District before! We held a games B. B.Q. film afternoon/night to raise money for our District Charity (another new idea), which is the Bush Children 's Homes. About 8 Interact clubs attended and we raised approximately $140. 23rd May Red Cross Doorknock Appeal. Once again we doorknock- ed in the Kelvin Grove area. We raised $354. 31st July Another visit to Montrose Home' Hopefully, this bond between the girls and the children will be maintained in the future. Conference. 26th March
16th August A First Aid Course run by the Red Cross commenced in- volving 13 girls, most of whom are lnteractors, and Mr. Madden . This is an extension of our community service and has already proved to be worthwhile. (Thanks must go to Mrs Short). 2nd September Sweet Stall. We made about $35 which is to contribute to our fundraising for the Women 's Refuges. 5th September The Cancer Fund Doorknock. 7 girls participated in the doorknock organized by our sponso ring Windsor Rotary Club and helped to raise approximately $1 ,500. And we haven 't finished yet! For School Day we are rafning our traditional food hamper. For our service to the schoo l, we are going to buy a weatherproof clock to be positioned near the school pool. This year the Pancake Manor will be the venue for our change-over ceremony . There is an Interact Exchange trip being conducted over the September holidays . Three girls from our club are going to Sunbury in Victoria for a week. We are having our annual conference in October at Clay field Co llege. We might even participate in a raft race before the end of this year.
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