1982 BGGS Magazine


t.a,c.e. at \-I.e.'-\'\~ Stib\ee..1> eo.-~c..Mp


HEALTH SCIENCES CAREERS CAMP Friday, August 13th turned out to be anything but black for we three undecided career persons as we set out for the Mount Tamborine Convention Centre to attend the Scripture Union Health Sciences Careers Camp. Despite an undesirable trip up in a crowded mini-bus with a maniacal mystery driver, we arrived safely and eager to investigate our prospective careers. Friday night was a getting-to-know the other people type of event with games and songs to this purpose. Dr Peter Ravenscroft and Dr Ian Hardie were our leaders and over the next two days we were exposed to information about many careers in the medical and paramedical fields. Physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy students, medical students and doctors provided information about their careers and the relevance and influence of their Christianity in their lives and work. In all, it proved a very informative and rewarding experience, which, as an annual event, is highly recommended to anyone interested in medical or paramedical careers. AD .

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