1981 School Magazine
Report German Folklore Group The Group started in the new year with a new teacher, Fran Ursula Rekort - and her two daughters Andrea and Kristine, who are our "mascots". The lirst official perfor- mance was on 12th April, at the Fairholme Family Picnic in Toowoomba. This was a most enjoyable day, where we were the guests of Mr. Faragher at a barbeque lunch. Also in April, on 9th, we gave a demonstration at Yeronga State High School - for the students, teachers and parents. This school wanted to start its own Folklore Group. On lst August we entertained the Japanese visitors at the Multi- cultural Day at B.G.G.S. - and on 3Oth July the girls went out to the Munich Steak House where they enjoyed the Ger- man and Australian programmes and were invited to dance for the public. The performance for the Deutsche Sennabeudschule, plann- ed on 23rd May had to be cancelled because of bad weather, but on September 5th the Group had a very happy time with the students and lathers and mothers at Simpson's Falls, and alljoined in the dancing. September is a very busy month, as performances were also given at School Open Day at B.G.G.S. on September 12th, and at the Annual Prize Giving Ceremony, September l4th, of the Foreign Language Competition, organised by the Modern Language Teachers Associated of Queensland. As usual, our group will dance at the Oktoberfest, organized by the M.L.T.A.Q. We can look back on a very seccessful year, and are very happy to welcome in the group, 5 new members from Grade 8 and congratulate Wendy Biggs, Michelle Mahoney and Kathryn Redman on receiving the first pockets. H. Spykerboer
French Folklore Group The French Folklore Group has been smaller than last year, but the 8 members have worked very hard under the able and enthusiastic leadership of Anne Cowan. At the extravaganza at B.G.G.S. - 4 olthe group danced the Can Can. In July, at the Bastille Day celebrations ol the Alliance Francaise, the group danced in front of the City Hall, and the Grade 1l French Choir sang French chansons. At night, the girls per- lormed very ably at the premises ol the Alliance Francaise during the dinner party. On August lJth, at the Bastille Day, organised by the Modern Languages Teachers Association of Queensland, the most spectacular performance was given with multicoloured lights and super size slides projected as a backdrop. The group decorated the hall of Kelvin Grove State High School, with the help of Mrs. Cardell and Mrs. Newman, which was much appreciated. On August lst the Can Can Group danced at B.G.G.S. for the Japanese visitors and on August'5th the group was the guest of the Senior Citizens in the City Hall, where the Choir sang French songs as well. On August 20th the group made the trip to Cannon Hill K Mart Plaza where they performed during the French week On September 9th three girls very ably acted as usherettes at the concert by the French srnger Gilberg Sagel, in the auditorium ol B.G.G.S. and on September l2th,4 girls enter- tained the visitors ol School Day. On September l4th the group is dancing at Kedron State High School for the Prize Giving Ceremony ol the M.L.T.A.Q.'s Foreign Language Competition. A group is being lormed by Grade 8 students, who want to learn French Provincial Dances. We hope to see them per- lorm in the near future. Our sincere thanks to Anne Cowan, for giving so much of her time to train the girls and to do the choreography for so many dillerent perlormances and to the parents for their support during the year. H. Spykerboer t3le lst 91
Crepe Flipping a la Francaise On School Day the crepes at the stall of the French Department were flying 3 metres high. Our chet, Vanessa Newman trained 10 new graduates in the Cordon Bleu Cuisine. One teacher remembered how the previous day a crepe flipped in through her window, when all students of l0f 2 were practising the art ol flipping crepes. Some new graduates were interviewed, after receiving the Diploma - and expressed their satisfaction with the course. Vive la
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cuisine francaise.
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