1981 School Magazine

Fsutschv $stts GERMAN RECIPES Lebkuchen I ngredients: 8oz. castor sugar 9ioz treacle 3ioz butter I tablespoon cinnamon I tablespoon ginger i-i pints ol milk I tbs bicarbonate of soda 2lbs plain flour t,t' \ brP

Baking: l75oc about l5 minutes. Melt the sugar, treacle, butter and spices over gentle heat. Add the milk and allow the mixture to cool. Stir in the bicarbonate and most of the flour. Cover with remaining flour and set the dough aside in a cold place until the following day. Work the dough until smooth on the baking table. It should then be quite stiffso that the cutting out patterns do not flow and lose their shape during baking. Roll the dough until smooth and * inch thick. Cut out the designs (heart shape). Bake biscuits. Allow the hearts to cool on the baking sheet (makes 8 hearts) Frosting: I egg white 8oz icing sugar teaspoon of lemon juice Mix the egg white, sugar and lemon juice. Beat the icing until it thickens and retains its shape. Pipe decoration on the heart through a paper tube with a fine hole in the tip. Sweets which are used for decorating may be secured firmly with small blobs of icing. Josephine Brodsky Sharon Crollick ,u 3. 9. 6. .? n 1. a lo. 'u 'h, a % lt . &. u, 'h. n 3. ,z 2 '/l 15. ,h '//W ,z ryM, t-t, u: //z ry 7, '// rt a 7, 19.

"Deutsches Kreuzwortriltsel t t Waagerecht l. only child 8. away (usually from the speaker); there 9. (leaving) from 10. initials: Annchen Hordmann

I l. be called 12. bowling 13. see 10 across 15. lake 16. not | 8. hest 19. on, on top of

21. where 22. there 23. never 25. deceive, mislead on purpose 26. initals; Ingrid Neumeier Senkrecht l. iron (metal)

2. in, into, within, at 3. numbers, numerals 4. just 5. cheese 6. into the (neuter) 1. thank 12. cheese sandwich 14. licenses, certificates I 5. street 11 . something, anything 20. far, distant 22. you Sharon Crollick Josephine Brodsky

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