1981 School Magazine

Tennis Report for 1981 The tennis this year got off to a slow start but when teams were finally selected it was extremely gratifying to see the school spirit and determination of the girls which was not only visible on the day ofthe fixtures but also during training as well. This year we saw a very strong Grade 8 team who, I'm sure, with continued elfort and practice, will definitely be winning a few premierships in the future. The new uniforms which are to become the gym uniforms, made quite an im- provement to the tennis teams morale as they were an excep- tional improvement on those of last year. A special thankyou must be given to the parents of the girls, who came week after week to support and encourage their daughters and teams throughout the fixtures. I would also like to thank Mr. Fancutt, who gave up much of his valuable time to come and coach the teams, and Mrs Short for her sup- port and continual interest in the tennis of 1981. Although we have not done exceptionally well in the placing ol the teams I am sure the girls have enjoyed their season of tennis. I would like to thank all the girls who participated this year, specifically all the girls who acted as reserves. I would like to wish all the teams the best of luck in the future and I hope all the captains of years to come will gain as much satisfaction as I have this vear. Alicia Moller (Tennis Captain l98l)

Ballgames Report Well another season of Ballgames is over much to my relief and sorrow. I set out one winter morning, six weeks betbre the arrival of the ballgames competition, in very high spirits ready to confront the rather eager Grade Eights. With patience and help lrom feliow Seniors I trained and selected certain girls to participate in one or more ol the six actual games. As lor the other age groups, they commenced serious training lour weeks prior to the competition. At training sessions everyone worked extremely well and it was pleasing to see such a display of team spirit and enthusiasm, which by the way, was carried on throughout the entire competition. This year the Q.G.S.S.S.A. Ballgames Competition was held at the Ipswich Girls' Grammar School on the 30th May. The day was filled with suspense and excitement as Grammar and St. Hilda's lought lor the winning position. Grammar was in iact leading after the first four games for each age group had been held, but unfortunately St. Hilda's proved to be stronger than us in the linal two age group events which were Square Spry and Captain Ball. The overall point score was St. Hilda's lirst with 285 points, Grammar second with 256 points and State High third with 199 points. I would especially like to thank all the Sixth Form students who remained dedicated to the ballgames in their final year; Tracey Tolcher, last year's ballgames captain, for her greatly appreciated help; and of course Mrs Short for her continual interest and advice. I had a great time training and selecting teams and will cer- tainly hold the experience close to my heart for years to come. Best ol luck to all Ballgames next year. Danielle Piat (Ballgames Captain) I would like to add my congratulations to the team for a fine performance and very special thanks to Danielle for the coaching and selecting ol most of the teams. It seems to have become the lot ol the Ballgames Captain to shoulder full responsibility for instilling enthusiasm, commencing train- ing, and selecting teams, and Danielle has handled all these lunctions admirably. P. H. Short.




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