1981 School Magazine

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Mr. and Mrs. Sommerville must be thanked lor their hospitality in allowing us to stay in their holiday house whilst at the coast and also lor their continued support throughout the season. Thanks also go to the coaches: A Caroline Sornnrerville, B & C Miss Keely, Gr 9A Anne Martin, Gr 9B Nancy Collins, Gr 8 Stacey Parkes and Katie McAdam. Our manageresses Karen Bittner and Kristina Palmer-Field and umpire Alexandra Henderson who did a superbjob this season, also deserve our thanks. Our gratitude is also expressed to Mrs. Short for her overail organization, support and enthusiasm shown towards netball. Alter such a successlul season leaving will be most dillicult and the grarde l2 netballers would like to wish the 1982 teams the best ol luck. Merryl Markwell (Netball captain)

Netball Report 1981 After the .lune-July holidays, which provided a welcome break alter exhausting prc-season training, we returned prepared for yet another arduous season. For the "A" team il was the most wonderful, amazing, incredible, even stupen- dous season as after nine years we once again captured that elusive "A" grade premiership. In our smart new unil'orms rve deleated B.S.H.S. 52 - 26, and St. Peters 56 - 21. The B grade were also premiers with the Gr 8A and Gr 9A, running 2nd to B.S,H.S. The C and Gr 88 teams were not so successful with the C grade coming 4th and the Gr 8B 4th. For the lirst time this year an interschool social competition was included on Saiurday mornings. We were represented by Gr 9 B and Gr l0 Boarders teams. Throughout the season we also had several practice games, including an overnight trip to the coast lor the "A" grade to play Miami State High School.


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