1981 School Magazine
Artistic Gymnastic Report This year, the Interschool Gymnastic Competition was held on the l3th June at Nudgee Boys'College. The team had trained hard since February and certainly acquitted themselves r'vell on the day. It was due to their dedication and enthusiasm that the following outstanding results were produced, making Brisbane Girls' Grammar School the winners lor lour consecutive years.
A Grade - lst B Grade - lst Cl Grade - 2nd C2 Grade - 3rd Dl Grade - lst D2 Grade - 2nd uthIGrade-lst Sth2Grade-2nd
Susan Bendeich perforrned well to win, for the third time, the school Gymnastics Cup. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Miss Williamson for her coaching, Susan Bendeich zrnd Helen Wordsworth lor their assistance and support, and Sonia Weir lor her guidance and expertise in printing the team t-shirts. I would also like to congratulate each gymnast lor her well-deserved success and wish the best of luck to luture captains and teams. .lenniler Clark Artistic Gymnastic Captain
R.hythmic Gymnastics RePort To arrive at school in the first week of the year and find that the Inter-school Gymnastics Competition was to be held on June l3th instead of sometime in November. was quite a shock. All plans lor long and intensive training and perfectly rehearsed routines had to be forsaken, but we soon recovered and got down to the business of choosing teams - a mam- moth job in itseli with 52 girls trialing lor l8 places - chosing music, making up and teaching routines and perhaps, most dillicult scheduling rehearsal times. As the day of the competition drew nearer the girls' enthusiasm was evident as they gave up weekends and after- noons to train, so as to achieve the precise timing so necessary lbr group routines. Despite last minute problems with broken ribbon sticks and warped hoops, all teams performed remarkably well. The ball team must be especially commended for surprising us all with their excellent performance. Thanks must go to Tracy Foster and Yvette Carlyon, two "old" girls who gave up their time to coach, Miss Williamson and Jenni Clarke for their support, and the girls lor their interest and enthusiasm. l. St. Margarets l. Clayiield College l. St' Margarets 2. Clayfield College 2. St. Margarets 2. Claylield College 3. B.G.G.S. 3. B.G.G.S. 3' St. Peters 4. St. Peters 4. St. Peters 4. B.G.G.S. 5. BSHS 5. BSHS 5. BSHS ta ti .1: .:I !ta2 Ball RESULTS Ribbon Hoop 11.2*:!i,?uil!:til!:i)ffi ,;i::Y
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