1981 School Magazine

We are planning a social day for all our players early in fourth terrn rvhich we hclpe will give our club the opportunity to get to knclrv each other better. The standard o1' playing is increasing each season due to the continued interest and efforts ol both the girls and the coaches. All coache uld like to express their appreciation of the ef- lbrts of tl, ls throughout the year. I would likc, to speak ol my gratitude, not only towards the girls lor their terrilic participation, but also to the coaches as well, lor ilthey did not sacrilice their valuable time to train us. the B.G.G.S. Basketball Club would not have the enthusiasm and reputation that it does have. Kate Takken Basketball Captain

Basketball Report Coaches lor l9lt I -

Mr. Bob Rayner Mr. lan Hughes Mls. Maggie Carneron Mr. Barry Warden Iluth (lanreron .lane Given & Di Reed

This year the B.G.G.S. Basketball Club is enjoying its most popular and prosperous year ever. At the start of the year alnrost 200 students aittended the initial meeting ol girls in- terested in playing basketball. Unlortunately we were unable to caler for everyone and we had to turn away over 100 girls. As there is no (i.P.S. cornpetition, we play in the Brisbane Arrateur Basketball Association Junior League. We have a total of seven teams, making us one olthe largest junior clubs in Queensland. All games are played at the new QE ll corn- plex or the State Basketball Centre at Auchenflower. "fhis year sau, the introduction oi the flrst ever basketball carnp lbr junior girls run by the B.A.B.A. The camp was held at Tallebudgera National Fitness Camp and eighteen girls lrom B.G.G.S. attended. Mr. Rayner and Mr. Warden went as coaches together with live other coaches lrom the B.A.B.A. The canrp was a ntost rewarding opportunity lor all who attended and the experience gained by our girls has been evi- dent by the increase in standard ol their playing. At the conclusion olthe carnp some lifteen awards were made and N I N E ol'these went to girls from our club. This included the THREE top :rwards ol the carnp.

ACHIEVEMEN-f AWARDS: .lane Given Bridget Johnson Marilyn Morris Kylie Hay'es Beach Run & Fitness Arvard: Alison Tritton Most Co-ordinated & Balanced Plaver: Karen Muir Best Attitude lbr Canrp: Bronwyn Trorvse M()\t Intnr()ved Pluyer: Sally Stervart Most Valuable Player: Belinda Morris

Lifesaving Report This year's Lilesaving Competition on April 1lth., saw B.G.G.S. I'ield an "A" and a "B" team. Both teams worked very hard at numerous practices at almost unknown hours of the morning, going hungry at lunch time and staying after school. 'fhe spirit was good, and although we didn't gain any rnajor positions, the "Big Day" was fun. Very special thanks to Miss O'Brien, lor her training (and patience), and Miss Greet, and a lew Parents, our only supporters, whose presence was appreciated, and of course thanks to all the girls. Claire Sproule (Liiesaving Captain) 57

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