1981 School Magazine
International Year of the Disabled Committee
At the end oflast year a group olsenior girls got together and decided to form a committee to coincide with The Inter- national Year ol the Disabled Person. The group was primarily .geared towards fund raising, but also included some servlce. Fund raising activities that were held by the group throughout the year included a car wash; a raffle, with prizes donated by Trackson's, Chandler's and Stephan; a Pancake stall on Shrove Tuesday; a Lolly Jar Mini-raffle and a cake swap for B.G.G.S. staff. On the I lth May this year, two guest speakers were invited to speak at Assembly: Mrs. Colleen Green from Noah's Ark Toy Library, and Kelvin Steinhardt lrom The Blind Training and Placement Centre, at Annerley. During the end-of-semester holidays, we taped a play called "Cindy" (a modern version of Cinderella) for the Queensland Taping for the Disabled service. Also a collection of old toys and books were sent to Noah's Ark Toy Library for their stall at the Spring Hill Fair, and our group was added to the list of volunteers at The Spastic Centre, New Farm. On the l8th ol July this year a few of the girls helped at a Trash & Treasure Fair held by The Zonta Club of Brisbane North, in support of The Spina Bifida Association. For the past live weeks we have been visiting St. Andrews Nursing Home and are planning to hold a sing-a-long with the patients in the near future. Our plans lor School Day include a Trash and Treasure stall, a Money Line and hopefully a display of art done by han- dicapped children. At the moment we are also organizing a family "Bobby Sox" dance, to be held on the lOth October this year. Despite being a small group in numbers, we were able to achieve quite a lot during the year, largely due to the constant enthusiasm of the girls in the group, who were always im- aginative and willing to helP. Many thanks must also go to Mrs. Jones who helped and ad- vised us throughout the year. Karen Angel
E.G.O. Report The Environmental Gardening Organization is a small group of girls who meet once weekly to work in a section of the grounds allotted to them. It was with sadness that the group saw Mrs. Thiele leave last year and Mrs' Lupton leave this term ln their place Mrs. Lanhum will support E.G'O., and hold the group together. The year was begun with thorough organization ol the grornds and a Working Bee. Mrs. Quinnel from Kelvin Groue ca-e and spoke to the group about the extension of our Rainlorest area, and following this was a day trip to Mt. Glorious during vacation. Our School Day preparations are well advanced and the Group hopes for a profitable day. On behalf ol the Group I'd like to thank Mrs. Thiele and Mrs. Lupton for their help and guidance and wish them both good luc-k in their futures, and also Mrs. Lanhum who will continue in their stead. Samantha Harrup President
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