1981 School Magazine
Debating Report This year a total of l6 competitive teams from Gramnar entered either the Queensland Debating Union or Apex debating competitions. It was encouraging to notice that 5 of the l6 were new grade eighl. teams. All these girls put a lot ol time into preparing their five first-round debates. Congratulations to two great eight Q.D.U. teams. Junior B and.lunior A2 Q.D.U. and.lunior A Apex who all reached the linal rounds. The Senior A Apex debaters will travel to Toowoomba in September to compete in lhe Queensla,nd linals. We are also involved in social debating in which many more girls participate. It is less lorrnal and non-competitive. We have had 4 such debates this year and are looking lorward to 2 more. Interhouse debating heats were held during August with the linal between E,ngland and Hirschfield to be held on School Day. Also organized for School Day is a lathers versus girls debate, which should prove quite interesting. Two seminars were held during the year, one at the Bardon Prolessional Development Centre and one at B.B.C. The girls benelitted a great deal lrom them. Thanks must go to irll girls involved in debating in i 98 I and to the many members of staff who helped the various teams with their preparation or who helped in general organization. I hope girls continue to enjoy debating during 1982. Lenore Taylor
'Learn to Love your Lang- and Facility.' Since Novem- Grade levels have been ings which have achieved Deasy, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Toastmistress Club, the first and third Tuesday of is provided, and a brisk bus- by a speaking programme. self-confi dent speakers . running a business l*.;*-**- an enjoyable ***F ment club, age and ability
The Toastmistress Motto is: uage and use it with Grace ber, 1980, girls from all enj oying entertainin g meet- those aims. Guided by Mrs. Ziglerrnan, members of the meetings are held on the each month. Afternoon tea
iness session is followed The Club aims to create and girls capable of
rneeting. It ls self-improve- open to all
President Laura Clarke
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