1981 School Magazine
Frustration is knowing in your mind and, yet not possessing the capabilities of the body to implernent what you know; Clurnsiness is attempting to exploit your capabilities beyond their limits
The lnstitution of Knowledge
From above, the lights and fans, The sides are reinforced by task forces of tables and chairs, The charge of the blazing carpet, Prepare to assist the attack on the shelves of knowledge. The spectator with its blinding flash of liEht, Eager to aid in plagiorism - At a price, Though the supervisor's intellectual powers must convert the original. The Generals of the opposition Discuss their tactics. No warning - too late - the war has begun. The defeated army falls like dominoes
end I'ailing to communicate the thoughts in your mind; Satisfaction is knouing and expressing in one perfect movement The beauty that is y0u. Sharon Mickan
lnto the blazing carpet. With the pas5ing of time, Order returns, As the non-living creatures retreat And the lnstitution of Knowledge is given time To remobilize its attack on the mind. Alison Yardley and Julie Bryant
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