1981 School Magazine


T.S.C.F. What did you do last holidays? Il you came on an I.S.C.F' camp you'll certainly have a lot to answer for! Those sleepless days; even more sleepless nights; mind-boggling Bible studies; even more mind-boggling meals and, of course, the activities. Camps are only one thing that I.S.C.F. have been doing in '81. fue've also had a yummy ice-cream stall to raise money lor the 'Year of the Disabled Committee', area socials, a hayride, bushdance, afternoon tea and brekky with the B.il.S. LS.C.F., assemblies, prayer meetings' and meetings twice a week. So everyone's been able to do something, sometime. This year, God has given us a great group olkids in I.S.C.F., from all five grades. The beginning of the year saw a great challenge to grow together as a group of young Christains, holding meetings which would encourage this. We have had an exciting year sharing our faith, arguing our faith and sing- ing our faithl We all hope that the following years will be as fruitful. Barbara Hodgson. l2E

Surf Camp ! Apart from several severe cases of shaving creamitis and dampness, the camp was a huge success. It included morning Bible studies,entiredays relaxing, swimming and SURFING at the beach, and evenings full of lun and entertainment' Not to mention roller skating, a formal dinner and a visit to Greenrt-tount and the rocl pools where we were all ritually covered in honey and rolled in sandl Overall it was a memoriable.ot.t-tp lull oigreat friendships and Christian love' Joanne MacFarlane I 1E I.S.C.F. Training \\'eek On training week we hld 2 major session areas: one teaching us how sinlul we are and the other that we are perfect' (And we didn't come home confused!) We also had theology research projects, a stimulation game of running LS'C'F' and elective t"ttiont including Boy/Girl relationships, visual communications and sharing your faith in school' Daily sing- ing was accompanied by many guitarists., a drummer and Ri"chard Ham on an electric grand piano. We played volleyball, had bushwalks or flaked out in the sun' The week was a great chance for Christians to grow and enjoy themselves. Alison Reid and Carol Robinson

Camp Lamington '81. ntthough sleeping in 2oc temperatures was rot my idei of fun; sports, food, campfires and.Bible diicussions sure made up for itl A hike to Westray's grave - via several 'wait-a-while' Uurtr"t i"ut 6n the highlights of our week. Like all LS.C.F. carnps, we made lots of friends and came home excited, relaxed and stronger in faith. Cathy Bell l2L 28

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