1981 School Magazine
Gold Coast Camp '81. Spending a week at Tallebudgera with I 4 guys and 22 girls proved very exciting and interesting. As you can see, the "men" like to make sure their masculini- ty is recognized among the girls! The camp gave everyone a fun holiday on the beach lor a week, as well as a time to get closer to God. Sonia Roeser 10G.
Study Camp 081. For alI our good intentions, not much study got done! But, for those more motivated, there were lots olenthusiastic teachers and Uni students willing to broaden grade I I and l2's knowledge in almost every subject. Alternoons and nights were spent in lellowship through sport, studies, singing and EATING. (Not to mention the water fights...shav- ing cream...battle of the sexes...) L.ee-Ann Monks l2L
Sailing Camp '81. Some people can sail, some people can't. It became increasingly evident over the week that very lew of us could stay dry for more than ten minutes at a time - this ability is called Sailing. Lake Cootharaba was an ideal place for us to dis- cover our missing talents - trying to sail cater- marans, kayaks, canoes, wind surfers and surf skies. Camping beside the lake brought the 20 of us much closer together (physically and spiritually), much closer to God's creation, and much closer to the mosquitos! Yes, sailing camp is on again in the Christmas hols. See you there!! Robin Nickles l2L
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