1980 School Magazine
'C' Grade Tennis.
'A' Grade Tennis
TENNIS REPORT The season started off well with an enthusiastic group of 32 grade eight girls of whom only four were finally selected. The full school team comprised of 20 girls and thanks must go to the five reserves who filled in when re- quired. Thanks also must go to Mr. Emery, Mr. Nicolosi, Mrs. Jones who cast an eye over us for most matches, and also a thank-you to Mrs. Waring who whole- heartedly supported the A team at every match. The last match of the season, the morning after the sixth form formal, proved to be disastrous for the A team, who soon found out that a sleepless night and a champagne breakfast does not mix with an energetic tennis match. However, I am sure all girls enjoyed representing the school in the team and playing against the other schools.
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Hilary Thacker (Tennis Captain).
'B' Grade Tennis.
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Grade Tennis.
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