1980 School Magazine

THE 1980 B.G.G.S. FORMAL This year the grade twelve formal was held on the 1st of August at Twenty-nine fulurray Street. for tfre miny weeks preceding the date a p6culiar buzzing tnrongei throughout the ranks of ali sixth formers. Familiar phrases which seemed to be endlessly repeated were ,,1 just can't decide which of my adoring udmirurs to invite,i and. "What am I going to wear??" N"umerous homework books and folders were decorated with stetctres-oi dress designs and lafgq of desirabte partners. fveiy afternoon hoards of Brisbane Girls' drammar School girls could be observed crowded urornd VogJe p"tt;; books and in numerous boutiques deiperate"ly tlving to find the perfect dress. As the date became nearer and nearer some girls realis_ 9d thql they had footishty forgotren to ask a pirtnei inO that all of their first choices hiad been taken. Well, there was only one alternative. These girls ventured out into the city and pounced upon the iirst unsuspecting yet suitable companion for a formal. lf they OiOn,t im-meO_ jately,respond to your natural beauty anO cf,arm, ttreie was always bribery to fall back on. Finally.the big day arrjved and unfortunately so did the oay or tne lnterschool ballgames. Those grade twelves who attended the ballgamds rushed frantically Oack io Brisbane in a mad attempt to keep nairOiessing uppoint_ ments or attend to a last minute fitting at the dress_ makers to ensure that the dress they w'ere to don in a few short hours actually fitted (a genuine illustration ol the disorganrsation of grade twelv6). By approximately 6.30 p.m. most cars were rolling up to the pre{ormals where the bulk of the conversation con_ sisted of "l_love your dress, and your hair, and your pirt_ nerl" By 7.30 we proceeded io Twenty_nine MLjr.iiy Street and filed through the door where we were prompt_ ly.ushered into positioh f or a photo to rast a rif etinie. Afier this event, each couple was welcomeO Oy heaO giits, Alison McAdam and D.esteyAshton atong witfrtheirfiirii ners and then on to Mr. and Mrs. Hancdck for introdui_ iions and a bit of conversation. Then, Caroline Kennison ushered us to our respective llPF: wf19re we proceeded to tatk non stop to those orners slttrng with us and we also mingled with staff and other tables until dinner was announc-ed. tfre meat wai enjoyed by all and many indulged until they could eat no more. ln an effort to work off t6e calories we danced bet_ ween courses, some of us lucky enough to steal a dance with a male member of staff, io the iornO of the band which provided an excellent range of music. After the meal was over, the couples began to file out either to go home and get some sleep oilo continue to daqcq on -at a post{oimal party. nitei this event the majority of .sensible people elect'ed to go home and get some- rest. However, some of us who w6re obvious !f"u1_ tons for punishment' continued on to a champagne and chrcken breakfast, where the conversation was*entirely centred around throughts of sleep and the horrid idei that some would havelo be up briiht and early the next, or I should say the same, morrrin{either to attend work or to go to the B.G.S. Open Day. - On the whole I know I speak for everyone when I say that I thoroughly enjoyed my sixth torm tormit. I woutO like to extend my and the whole of grade twelve's thanks to Caroline Kennison and the Forilal Committee who did a

truly amazing job of organisation and added to an excep_ Ipl3J "ugnlng of enjoymenr with their great efficiency. .r nanKs must also go to the girls who volunteered their l?y?_": lor,various parties.and to their parents for being s9lind and helpful in an effort to make our one and onl! sixth form formal a huge success. Michelle Patey.

FORMAL FEVER ls it worth it? The worry of the partner

D ress Shoes Hair Transportation pre and post lnvitations and Refusals

Only to find he doesn't drink smoke smile eat breathe walk talk ls it worth it?



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