1980 School Magazine

B.G.G.S. SCHOOL PLAY This year 1980, saw many changes in the Dramawise, the otd ed, and it was decided tha! a pfuy i,iuiiuing the and 1 2). To do this, the timeless musical ,,The Wizard of Oz,,was 9h9sen and our director/proOucer. was Viss Anne_Marie O'Sullivan. At first it seemed trit i f itif" too ambitious anf !p until opening night, r."h"iriuir'und so forth did nothing to dissuade us 6t this opin6r. Jo*"u"'., thanks to Miss O'sullivan's ,patience; (coughl cougl",l),- Mi Warden's chorat coaching, Mi rrbrv;r"wonderfully effi_ cient stagecrew, Mrs ziriora'slateritJo' orctrestra, and not to mention an extremely welt ctroien cast, it finally came together; on opening nigfrtt It was performed for three nights, the second night being a special performance by th! ,no"rslrJLs for families and. young chitdren. tr was ;- h;g; ;rccess. The ::^.1!I9.. tovingty made by rnu .Vumi= of ihe cast under rru uaretut suDervrsion of Miss Boyd were superb, and the sets and props were beautitur t'ninr.i to Mrs sandra Burgoyne and co. Thanks must also go to the lighting and sound crew for a starttins job, partidutar thank"s i; j;;i6werr. "The Wizard ol Oz', is one of the finest productions the school has ever achieved and I am iriJ"ueryone who saw it or was involved in it will ugr"* ihunk you once Xg: il.g^"^r.. ryo n e f o r t h e i r c o-opeia t i on pa rt i c jr a r r y- Hrrii ureenwood whose coffee and ,biccys, at intervai and company of messengers held the cast together. One can only look now to next year, who knows what f ine theatrical ventures are yet to bome. Caroline Kennison. system ot f .f .n]pLys was dismiss_ attempteOl fratn6r ihair lust grades .1i whote school shoutd be school.

COMBINED SCHOOL PLAY Though I have been at this school for frve years, it was not until this my finat year rhat I decideO tb spieaO rii wrngs and venture into the depths ot S.C.S. to urdtioil for the annual combined pfay. numour. u-nO stories from preceding years had lefi m-e mystified inO curious, so this year I set out determined ioOi."o*r. whether the play was purely a theatrical or soclat evenil As I expected, I found it to be both, however due to the reputation of this fine magazine I witt meiety r.efer. io if,e theatrical side of things. This year's play was ,,Dark Side of the Moon,,, a comedy/drama about the tegend of Barbaia Ailen (if ti^ra1 meals- nothing to you., don'tworryl) lt was defin jtely-;;i your "run o' the mill" play and pioveO to-Oe intere6ting for both the audience and the b"itorrl-r. There were very few dull moments on or oti stage, inO t urn ,rr" i very interesting if not enjoyable "rp6ii'en"" was had by It was however a great success, and thanks to Mr. -Clnnon (8..G.S.) our director, loOV- Sirkn, stage ma ager, Mrs. Chiddam, costumes inO a Oriitiant?-.l? gtage, a1d make-up crew. But most of all ttrant


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