1980 School Magazine

EXTRAVAGANZA 1980 ! Every Monday lunch-hour, the school auditorium was f ill- ed by twenty-seven girls practicing their steps for Ex- travaganza '80. lt was during these rehearsals that the greatest result of the Extravaganza was happening. Though everyone was concerned with their own dance steps, we all helped each other to ensure that we would deliver our best on the night of the performance. As a result everyone made new friends thus enjoying the rehearsals as much as was possible. The day before the performance, we had our first practice on the catwalk which proved to be an interesting experiencel The after- noon of the big day crept upon us and suddenly we found ourselves crammed into G11 recerving the clothes we were to model. Then we engaged in a quick run up and down the stage steps which was to be our one and only dress rehearsal. At 7.30 p.m. on the 19th April, under the expert eye of Robyn Czislowski, all twenty-seven of us put every last breath we had into making the night a suc- cess. And that is what it was. Preceded by a disco danc- ing display from the Arthur Murray School of dancing and followed by the choir and the Mothers fashion parade, it couldn't have been anything but a success. Thanks must go to Mrs. Czislowski for the work she put into choreographing the dancing fashion parade, to Mr. Simon and Miss Jo Headquarters and the Pink Pumpkin for supplying the clothes. Also many thanks must go to Mrs. Battersby f rom the Mothers' Group for the help she gave us. A Dancing Daughter.

DRAMA GROUP REPORT This year a drama club has been established in the school for Year 1 1. and 12 students. We have been work- ing under the able teaching and direction of Mrs Prescott and have achieved surprisingly well for such a small new group. ln July-August we entered the Jean Trundle drama competition, annually held at the Arts Theatre with schools participating f rom ali over Queensland. Due to our small numbers and limited faciltties we attempted to fully utilize the one trait we did have - originality. Thus we developed a college drama on the theme of Loneliness, with song, mime, poetry and a dance se- quence. We performed our piece on the Tuesday and we found on Friday night (the night of the formal) that we had reached the finals. So on the Saturday, despite the fact that the Sixth Form girls were just a little tired, we had one last practice to add a few new sequences and brush up on the original ones. That night we won the f inai and received the sculpture of Portia and Shylock which is in the library for a year, and a painting of the original design, which rs in Mrs Hancock's office. We also were given a cheque for $200 for the school library - which we spent on a large number and variety of books on drama. Although winning the trophy was the highlight of the year, the drama group has been a constant learning pro- cess, with improvisation, workshop situations, and much enjoyment.

Since it is a senior group, the Year .12 girls will be leaving but we all hope the enthusiasm of the group will continue and that others coming up from Year 10 will join.

Rebecca Riggs.

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