1980 School Magazine

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. tEf ';:{ The Little Old Man and the Leaf. i All the way back in the fitfh century, '';1. A little old man told a story to me: g Beside a willow, boughed in grief, ':l Ran a tWinkling clear river into which flew a leaf. ,r Now 'twas autumn, the leaf was all golden and red, , And it floated its way down the old river bed. t, t lt was tossed and it rocked but it stiil travelled on, 'i And slowly and surely, eventually 'twas gone. Its travels were lengthy, so the old man said, But still the leaf Was golden and red. 4*uy down the river, all twinkling and clear, The little leaf came to another, quite near. All green and flippant, the young leaf laughed, As the bedraggled gold-red leaf rapidly passed. Woven throLlgh rocks had the old leaf come, And faster and faster he still travelled on. Never stopping for breath, not drowning in fear, The old man told me, and it's ever so queer, That he should have known of a litile leaf gold, Who travelled a river, ever so bold. But as I wondered and dreamt lazily on, The little old man disappeared and was gone. And all that I saw in that river so clear, Was an old gold-red leaf very slowly disappear. Sue Wippel, 9H.

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