1980 School Magazine
A plastic feather weeps its tear As it falls unattached, to finality. The beads of life, turn black And settle upon the feather
DO YOU LOVE SOMEONE? The universe is wide and wonderful and filled with many stars. The world is rich and varied and filled with many PeoPle Knowing this, Sometimes we feel lonely and lost, as though nothing we do can ever truly matter. Each of us wants to be needed Each of us wants to be remembered. Each of us wants to be important in his own special way. But whatever you are, there is still one thing that matters most. Do you love someone .
Burying it alone, to die of suffocation. O weep my tear that mourns this death, And place upon me a transcendental Glow. For another feather has started iis descent, Another teai' will fali, Another is taken and I mourn
Sometimes we each feel verY small.
- I know not why ? Caroline Kennison.
EVERYONE ISN'T AS MAD AS THEY ARE Everyone who claims to be rnad ls in fact not mad compared ro everyone else, Because everyone is trying to be madoer than everyone eise Everyone else is really a bii mad to do sucn a thrng, But not as mad as me, See, l'm doing it toc. l'm trving to be madder tnan everyone else, So therelore i must be mac To be trying to be madder than everyone else How unoriginal of me. You see I am not really mad at all, Because if I were, i would be everyone else, And I'd oe mad to be everyone else,
and does someone love you?
For the heart is its own world
and in that world, you are importantl
And that's what really matters isn't it? Katrina Trist. 9Fi
Loneliness. The mind, an empty slreel Cold gusts eddy memorres Scraps of nothing much, that Skit around. Silence. eating al sanny Nothing new to fill the vord But another crack. trr the ceiling.
Because i want to be originai, And it's not original to be mad. So I'm not mad at all you see, Are you as macj as me? iennifer Kernke.
Lenore, 'i1E
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