1980 School Magazine

ODE TO A COW How now brown cow Brown-and-white in the grass Your horns look mighty sharp and yet You have a bit of class. I edge around and closer in Pray love don't lower down your head I must admit I'm scared a bit But being scared's not worse than dead Now now nice cow I promise you, you won't be hurt You see it's only a piece of rope Now p/ease don't drag me in the dirt. Slow down brown cow I don't know why I trusted you with me You've knocked all my eyebrows in And busted up my knee. And now brown cow I've given up All hope of catching you again AII strength of bone and muscle gone And catching you is a task in vain.

NURSERY RHYME I don't care about the 3rd World War Don't worry about pollution Don't give a damn about the poor Don't care about your revolution No I don't care about Khomeni I'm not worried by lran Social injustice leaves me cold I'm not affected by the fate of man. So they're passing corrupt legislation So there's Communists in Moscow Don't explain rising inflation l'm just not interested right now No bread - just give them yellow cake Uranium in vast supply Just build a bomb - for fun, Duty or money - you'll get by. I'm not interested that prices soar Why worry that they're unemployed Basically my life's a bore Who cares if the whole world's destroyed Rebecca Riggs.

BI RTH DAYS I hate birthdays. The plastic smiles of so-called f riends, The embarrassment Of Cheering, The revolting cream with small bits of cake inside, The so-called birthday cake I hate birthdays Unless they're mine.

Karyn Lun, 9F.

REFUG EE O womb of war You bear your burden - Bastards, unwanted. Delivered to hell - A one way ticket.


The child that grows Deformed and tired, Struggles to keep its Mother alrve, hopeless as it is, And yet the child, Grown from the barren Uterus of diplomatics Matures, to a transcendental Mosaic. Lost. deserted by their own lllegitimacy.

I hate egg. The rubbery, chewy, Plastlc white, The runny, mucous Horrible yellow That can be a dry Pasty, chalky green ball. Yukkkk !

Karyn Lun, 9F.

Caroline Kennison.


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