1980 School Magazine
LI FE To be born, To be free, ioved,
despisec hated angered.
To be nappy To be sao. used, ieft
abandoned This is not for me. Life is for iiving, Its ups and its downs come and go, Life is for living So live.
To My SchooJ For three years, ten weeks and rwo davs, I have been part of you. You have meant so much to me. You have given me frtends and enemres, You have given me knowledge and shown rne ignorance. From you I have gained strengtft. The strengtn of a G.P.S. school Io be part of something with a long history. It's onlv when you turn to ieave, That you appreciate seven buildings, one headmislress, one staff body and seven hundred and eighty girls.
Suzanne White, 10
MEMORIES AND DREAMS I hang on, to my childhood memories. for I know I can no longer do what I did as a child. I cling, to my childhood dreams because I still have a chance to become what I dreamed of becoming. Leonie. Beyond a mere shadow of doubt there lies an answer. Beyond the heavens there is another world. Beyond dark death, there is a bright Iife. But beyond love, there rs no greater element. Leonie. A man stood alone searching for what he couldn't f ind or have. I wonder why I also saw myself standing there. Leonie.
You know you're getting old when . . You prefer salad rolls to Macdonalds You can walk up to a bar and order a drink - and it's not orange juicel You can go to 'R' rated movies without pretending the Teachers no longer insist on you standing up as they enter the room - it takes five minutes for us to do ii anyway . . . You're telling kids to put their hat on Parents ask you for advice Your father starts thinking about driving lessons You START writing poems for the school magazine. bikie in f ront of you is your boyf riend You have 'discussions' with your father
Sue Ure, 12C.
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