1979 School Magazine
SUNSET AT SEA A. lone jogger accompanied only by his dog, was aback by the deserted Oeach _ if," O"uuiy'-unJ peacefulness silencerJ.even his playful companion. The tide had crept out, leaving the markjoi *uuui tong gone. The gentle breeze swepiover the towering sand dunes. A sparkle far out to sea caught his eye. He turneO to see I",.f:I:_ot+he stowty dyins"sun u, il "y ciughr the t;;; :l^y"y9: ,lfe. genily tapping sea broke sottty on the snore near his feet. He was recalled to the present by his dog, to see the sun slowly sink behind tne lrow darkened clouds. taken
TFIE SEA Sea, Lazy, Lethargic, Gentle, content, Cool, unbound, drowsy, Peaceful, silent, Gentle lull, Aqua, Calm. Fiona Davidson, 10C
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.Hassell, A. Griffin, T. Jenkins, Lynch, A. Moore, M. Kassulke.
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SEA STORM The wind is howling from across the waves. The cry of a lone seagull his mate crushed. Between the rugged cliff and the turbulent sea Breakers dashing over rocks. Boats far out on the horizon tossing and turning Jagged lightning flashes brilliant in the dark overcast Sky. Thunder claps ominously. Suddenly rain pelts down onto the onrushing wave. Thunder rumbles as all becomes yel again tranquil. Jo Brodsky,
Vanessa Newman, Sharon Kirkwood, Sharon Crollick, Nerida Cox.
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