1979 School Magazine

TIKI You sit next to me little cat, and I stroke your fur. I try to put my thoughts into your mind with a touch of my hand; a type of telepathy. You merely lift your head and watch a moth flicker across the wall. I feel you are a sphinx, a stone relic to guard a desert. But it is on the hot nights when you come and sit with me on the cold stone path that I feel I know you. You watch with your blue eyes and wise face as the water changes the shape of the moon. A noclurnal reptile shifting the leaves attracts your alert, open ears of satin black; but only lsaw the hunter in your stare and knew what you were thinking. You've always been a sophisticated creature, not Iike thai monster of a dog who always wants to play and never studies his reflection in a mirror, or licks his coat noisily at midnight. You are a true lady, delicate, sly, swift and vain. My admiration of you is deep. Yet there are times when you are so gentle and affec- tionate that you curl your slender body up agalnst my pillow with no intention of being disturbed. lt is then that I can really love you and the way your rough pink tongue smooths your dusky fur, and the subtle gesture at the tip of your tail, and the hint of thought in the movement of a whisker. I still wish you could understand this human language of mine, even if it were simply to tell you to move your tail so I can finish my English homework! B. Shepherdson.

WHAT A FAIITILY My mum is on a diet, Mv dad he has a snooze,

My gran's out PlaYing bingo, And she was born to /ose. My brother's sfrlpped his motorbike Atthough its bound to rain My sisler's PlaYing Elton John, Over and over again' What a dim old familY! What a drearY lot! Someflmes t think I am the onlY Superstar theY've got. M. Wissler.

orange sphere of scented gold brimful of goodness

sealed behind thick walls. sharp must be the knife to release your bounty. your very heart is pierced. yet in death your life-blood flows in generous measure sweet and nourishing to thirsty souls. Barbara Hodgson, 10C.

Bu bbl ing, spu rti ng, c racki ng Rising heat, blazing Burning red lava Dripping pouring Gulping up its surroundings Smouldering, spluttering, scorching Chasing and overtaking animals Killing everything in sight.

L. Latham, R. Stewart, S. fhomas, K. Bush.

Deaf white cat lies Surrounded by chattering girls nattering and munching lunch. Peaceful white cat cosy in its bower of clipped branches oblivious but living in this world enjoying this world's soft grass and warm sun

and the silence of another world. Anne Jell, 6E.


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