1979 School Magazine
RAINFOREST AFTER RA'N The sweet, pungent odour of rain, Mingled with the perfumes of the forest The air, crisp, cool and clear Has a refreshing, tingling sensafion The birds, emblazoned with deep, vivid pastels, Sing their appraisal of the recent rain. Cool drops of rain trickle like tears down leaves, And gently fall onto a soft, mulchy carpet Of decavi and green. And the t of a revived waterfall, Can be heard in the distance. Alison Maskill, BA.
The creeks will still laugh and the sun will feel warm clouds will roll over the hill and dance in horse-wisp and happy day Ever joyous, the calls of sky-gods and drone of cricket and golden butter F ly i ng th rough e arth-ri c h long, luscious grass lvory shadows will still fall f rom Gums enamelled gold, lilac against soft and tenuous leaf .
RAINDROPS Raindrops fall, Gently down, One by one, After each other,
They fall and then gather Together, to form a puddle, The puddle becomes larger, And larger, Until suddenly, the rain Stops. The sun comes out And gradually it soaks Up the puddle as time lingers on. I watch it as it gefs Smaller and smaller, While the sun becomes brighter And greets the new day. Eventually the puddle, Fades away, lnto nothing, That will remain to be seen. But it has left a place, Which will one day, Be used by new raindrops
That will live And then die,
Leaving this place Once more vacant, For life to begin
Once more. Sarah Bett.
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